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SPY and TSLA is ruling Reddit over the last hour

 SPY, TSLA, and POW are the major focus of conversation on Reddit over the last hour.
Let's start with SPY, which has the most chitchat. Here's what they're saying:

Poor_Life-choices - 36 upvotes - source
So glad I sold 15 of my 25 SPY puts yesterday. Was dangerously close to making money

iyervikas81 - 14 upvotes - source
Friendly advice. Don't fomo puts at open. You had plenty of time to load puts this week and if you didn't, then I don't know what to tell ya. Wait 20 30 mins to see what direction MMs wanna take spy today. There will be plenty of opportunities post 10am EST

kangaroojohnnie - 10 upvotes - source
!banbet SPY 400 1d

Empland - 10 upvotes - source
#Some of you swung SPY calls before close and your port shows.

CathieWoodsGlasses - 9 upvotes - source
SPY -10% in the last month lmfao

Elon_Nut_In_Me_Pls - 8 upvotes - source
I have 59$ cash left to trade. I will buy one OTM 0DTE SPY call at open. A small sacrifice to ensure the market continues to crash

jerseynate - 8 upvotes - source
I've been holding a few SPY puts for the whole week. Currently up 225% and do not feel compelled to sell. This is my problem, like, how much money do I really want to make here?

flaccidafterdominoes - 8 upvotes - source
We started this week at 410. SPY is a penny stock 😂

JayRoo83 - 8 upvotes - source
Nobody wants to hear it but if you went cash on January 1st, you'd be murdering SPY and 99.99999% of this sub YTD

Yokeyoyo - 7 upvotes - source
And stay down spy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

In other news, TSLA is also attracting eyes on Reddit:

rinklebrain - 7 upvotes - source
Tsla could go -5% today and it wouldn't do it justice

OGWFORLIFE - 6 upvotes - source
I just have a feeling TSLA is just gonna ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) to $300 at open. Open the fuck casino already man what the fuck

Jimbeauxer - 6 upvotes - source
And from out of nowhere and for no logical reason TSLA rips higher on no news, good or bad, as the market craters all around it. Just writing the headline for cnbc market close today.

dopefienddave - 5 upvotes - source
60 apple puts, 20 tsla puts, 20 spy puts, 130, 260, 370 for 9/30. Hope I never see you boys again

Jimbeauxer - 4 upvotes - source
Here comes the TSLA pump you’ve all been waiting for…….

MeMe_GoD_69 - 4 upvotes - source
Just imagine when tsla finally dies ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)

Ok_Student_4969 - 4 upvotes - source
Calls for tsla

Yung_King_ - 4 upvotes - source
TSLA bulls coming to terms with the situation

Cathie_D_Wood - 4 upvotes - source
Fuck Off TSLA

VisualMod - 4 upvotes - source
#Ban Bet Won --- /u/hikid122 (2W/0L) made a bet that TSLA would go to 297.5 when it was 301.85 and it did, congrats gigabrain.

POW is the last stonk under the microscope:

RudeJudeDETROIT - 6 upvotes - source
They pumped it in august to drain it in september. What a set up. Pow had it all planned out too.

RudeJudeDETROIT - 5 upvotes - source
Do me pow. Do me first. I want a mans death. Just one to the back of the head.

Ok_GAINZ - 4 upvotes - source
You think you know, but you have no idea. This is MTV's TRUE LIFE...I'm a FMR Fed Chairman... *Cut to: J Pow in a wallpapered room showing his porcelain clown figures* J Pow: These always make me smile. Producer: So what was your mindset going into that September meeting in 2022? J Pow: We had a job to do ya know... they just pushed me... they didn't believe in me... so I had to show them. I had to show you all...

RudeJudeDETROIT - 3 upvotes - source
Pull my britches down and finish me off pow.

KilltheK04 - 3 upvotes - source
POW did 9/16

Sweaty_Feedback_4859 - 1 upvotes - source
No chance Daddy Pow goes 100

RudeJudeDETROIT - 0 upvotes - source
You know what's fuckedup. Ain't nobody selling this shit. Its just shorts get to crack down on the narrative and a few boomers run off. Pow says see. My tools work. Come on !

RudeJudeDETROIT - 0 upvotes - source
Shorts work for pow. What are you going to do.

BBBY is currently a focal point on Reddit as well:

spellbadgrammargood - 4 upvotes - source
the best investment now are BBBY puts

collins1393 - 2 upvotes - source
i wouldn't buy bbby even if i had your money.

losingmymind6 - 1 upvotes - source
What in the crime was that bbby

losingmymind6 - 1 upvotes - source
What do you think guys? Will my $15 9/16 bbby calls print?

Black_Harfoot - 1 upvotes - source
almost as quick of a drop as the BBBY ceo out that window

Rolling_in_the_Dip - 1 upvotes - source
Omg market is crashing, all u regards said buy the dip, buy bbby! You owe me money

GabbarInvestor - 1 upvotes - source
Okay I’m here to get rich !! Will buy 1 BBBY today ! I’m on the right track right right ? Lets goooo

lastchapter1985 - -1 upvotes - source

FDX is being aggressively watched on Reddit too:

MrCouncilman - 11 upvotes - source
Fdx 185p up motherfucking 300,000%…

Chance_Island2704 - 10 upvotes - source
Nice strategy, FDX, blame the global economy on your inability to reach the unrealistic numbers you previously promised. If you scare investors out of every stock, your -25% doesn’t seem as bad.

Dramatic_Ad5972 - 7 upvotes - source
$FDX is a perfect example of when selling naked deep out of the money options assuming it’s free profit goes VERY VERY wrong

KKrum41302 - 7 upvotes - source
FDX 185p up 300k% today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

MichaelP26 - 5 upvotes - source
Fdx ceo being hunted down by his board rn

kanzie_blitz - 4 upvotes - source
So FDX has been the trojan horse all along!

NothingTooFancy26 - 4 upvotes - source
Lmao FDX 9/16 $190P closed at $.01 yesterday

CloseThePodBayDoors - 4 upvotes - source
FDX puts musta printed huh dont even have to look ​ lol

Schwimmbo - 4 upvotes - source
Someone here must've had FDX puts. Show yourself.

Son_of_Sephiroth - 4 upvotes - source
FDX CEO overnight expressed us a pile of 💩