Almost 2 Years Ago
2 Min Read

Off goes DWAC. The stock increased today. Is there a catalyst?

Shares of Digital World Acquisition Corp - Class A (DWAC) are trading 7% higher at a price of $25.25 at the time of this writing. 

  • Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC) stock rose 6.9% after seven straight days of declines, amid news that Google brought back its competitor Parler to the Play Store

Digital World Acquisition Corp - Class A has been trading between a 52-week high of $175 and a 52-week low of $9.84. The stock has a market cap of $758 Million.


Wheeler, Digital World Acquisition, SelectQuote among financials stock movers
Seeking Alpha 09-02-22

Digital World Acquisition Corp option IV into special meeting of shareholders 09-02-22

Digital World Acquisition Corp option IV bid amid wide price movement 09-01-22

EXCLUSIVE: DWAC CEO on Trump’s Truth Social and Shareholder Vote
Yahoo Finance 09-01-22

Digital World Acquisition Corp. Expands Media Reach to Social Media Platforms and Reminds Stockholders to Vote in Favor of Extension Amendment Ahead of Special Meeting
Finanz Nachrichten 08-30-22

As you can imagine, the internet had a few things to say about the price move. Here's a few choice comments from the Reddit Traderverse™:

ExceptionallyGreat - 43 upvotes - source
Moving the goalposts (or shifting the goalposts) is a metaphor, derived from goal-based sports, that means to change the rule or criterion (goal) of a process or competition while it is still in progress, in such a way that the new goal offers one side an advantage or disadvantage. There are bad actors in the BBBY community who are creating false narratives as soon as their previous narrative turns out to be false. The same thing happened with GME, AMC, DWAC. Then they aggressively down vote anyone giving sound advice i.e. sell and move on. First they gave a completely false justification of Ryan's SEC filing. Then they lied to people that he didn't sell. Then they lied that his exit means he is working on something fantastic with the company and had to sell. So on and so forth.

PregnantPickle_ - 4 upvotes - source
Mango man..pretty fucking bad lmao DWAC just shorts closing out? This ain’t good news

Sorry-Business-1152 - 4 upvotes - source
DWAC extremists questioning everything rn

ExceptionallyGreat - 3 upvotes - source
It's not divine wisdom. It's just general observation, we have seen this play out with GME, BB, AMC, NEGG, DWAC etc. in last two years. You get in when the hype starts, you close out and exit at top of the pump. If you miss that, you take your exit the very next day. Instead of holding bags and hoping for another run, you exit. You can always re-enter if things start to get interesting again.

VisualMod - 1 upvotes - source
#Ban Bet Lost /u/AMDeez_nutz (0/2) made a bet that DWAC would go to 20.0 when it was 27.355 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

rumsticks - 1 upvotes - source
Time to short dwac

MackChanMonkeBrain - 1 upvotes - source
Me but with DWAC

Congo_King - 0 upvotes - source
Wouldn't be surprised if the idiot full YOLO'd into DWAC for his daddy Trump