2 Years Ago
3 Min Read

What reddit trillionaires are talking about on /r/Wallstreetbets this morning

BBBY is commanding the conversation on /r/Wallstreetbets this morning.

On /r/investing, BBBY, GME, and COIN are the focus of the morning while /r/valueinvesting is about BBBY, GME, and COIN.

Overall, /r/Wallstreetbets sentiment is bearish compared to bearish yesterday and bearish the previous week.

Meanwhile, the top ranked comments today are:

Yolo_Swagg1ns - 5138 upvotes - source
Let me explain what this really is. This is the endgame move, the failsafe. With this HFs are acknowledging that they will never be able to close their shorts. So what do they do? They pass the bag onto retail investors so they don't lose any money. Now they won't make any real money, and the opportunity cost of having all this money tied up for so long for no return sucks for them, but it's a whole hell of a lot better than losing everything. Now they sell these ETFs to retail investors (pension funds, municipal governments) until it's all unloaded from the books. Then it all implodes. We get paid, investors lose everything, and HFs break even. This is America.

-LexVult- - 4448 upvotes - source
Give a rich man 1,000,000,000 dollars and no one cares. Give a million poor people 1,000 dollars and the elites cry like a bunch of spoiled cunts. Edit: Woah this blew up. Thanks for the awards:)

SeaSideChefBoi - 4251 upvotes - source
Lol, what, 59.999% instead of 60%? Or are they just implying fewer Americans are *living*

Riop420 - 3656 upvotes - source
"More Americans are moving back in with their parents"

polypolipauli - 3370 upvotes - source
**Edit:** After reviewing the underlying rules for this new avenue it has become clear that single share ETFs are *not* an avenue for *actual* shorts as an underlying asset. They are, as has been true of ye olde inverse ETFs a purely synthetic product. Swaps, not shorts. That means they are *not* an avenue for transferring a short position to an unsuspecting buyer. My dread lingers on, but is yet unrealized. And for those of you who chanced upon this, you can now share my unrealized dread every night before you sleep too! One day it may be possible to create an ETF from a short position, *and you now know what that will mean*, but not today. \-------------------------------------------------------- ~~This is a moment I've been dreading. I had hoped it would not come. This is an end game position they are setting up.~~ # This is the means by which others will be made to hold the bag. ~~Undoubtedly these etfs will be packaged with other perfectly legit etfs, rated positively by moody's as a BUNDLE, and sold off the same way MBS's and CDO's were. Sold to pension funds across the nations. Municipalities will inadvertently buy into these, teachers unions will,~~ ***~~STATES~~*** ~~will, and this is how they un-fuck themselves.~~ ~~Even if they don't get~~ *~~all~~* ~~of their shorts off their own plates and onto someone else's,~~ **~~if they can spread the liability then they can call for~~** ***~~'SAVE THE TEACHERS'~~*** **~~and~~** ***~~'SAVE THE SMALL TOWNS'~~*** **~~instead of~~** ***~~'bail out the hedge funds'~~*** **~~which obviously won't play.~~** ~~All it takes is the tiniest bit of exposure to pull this off, because shorts expose you to infinite losses. They have been trying to become 'too big to fail' for years now, surviving another day in the process, to get to a moment just like this. This wasn't their plan 'A', but it absolutely was their plan 'J'.~~ ***~~They are going to make these bundles so amazingly profitable that it will be hard to resist~~*** ~~- They will be happy to offer large structured returns (as a percentage) to attract clients, because they KNOW that it's a small price to pay to spread the liability around.~~ ***~~They are going to sell these bundles as the perfect hedge against a market decline~~***~~, because of their 'targeted short exposure' as a feature rather than a liability. And for every unsuspecting pension fund manager, or small town comptroller, these will seem like a godsend - a way to insulate their fixed budgetary obligations against a the market decline everyone fears is coming.~~ ***~~Before we only had to hold, but now we have to act~~***~~. We need laws on the books that prevent state and local government from engaging in any financial product that has any short exposure, and we need it now. That will block state/city pension and teacher's union exposure.~~ ~~There are 50 states and we need to all move on this. This can't be done federally so it's time to get to know your state reps, not just your federal ones now. You thought DRS'ing was hard? (It isn't, but you thought it would be) well you've leveled up and your next boss is calling your local state rep and requesting they~~ ***~~write a bill that blocks exposure to 'short' financial products because it exposes teachers and small towns to infinite loss.~~***

PatrioticTyranny - 2966 upvotes - source
He waved his finger at her like an asshole.

StonksMcLovin - 2562 upvotes - source
Just another vehicle for manufacturing shares. Should be illegal.

VOID_MAIN_0 - 1812 upvotes - source
Cant live paycheck to paycheck if you dont have a job. ;)

Illustrious_Scar_595 - 1742 upvotes - source
Amazing, she looks pretty surprised, like, "did this just really happen?".

laxmolnar - 1679 upvotes - source
WAIT WAIT WAIT This is de facto market manipulation. They’re withholding a point of view and forcing another which directly impacts perception. Illegal Short Selling was literally refined by some dude in the 1800’s who manipulated the news after borrowing/selling said shares. How the fuck is this any different? ******************************* IMPORTANT edit to update. I had a comment removed after calling someone an offensive name after they asked how to profit off the systems flaws/illegalities. Plz reinstate my comment mods as the clear shill has deleted their account and change your fucking pussy ass G rated rules FFS. Lets talk some shit and offend some people 🤌🙌 Also further fix your rules as they’re really rather bad at addressing people who can buy heavily karmed reddit accounts for a few dollars.

CitronBetter2435 - 1497 upvotes - source
Looks like they're making American cities in to Gmerican cities

Jolly-Program-6996 - 1475 upvotes - source
Buildings with lights on🤣