2 Years Ago
2 Min Read

In search of the next great American meme stock. Your reddit trader's digest for this morning:

BBBY, SPY, and UVXY that's the topic of conversation this morning on /r/Wallstreetbets.

The chatter is all about BBBY this morning on /r/Wallstreetbets while BBBY is the apple of /r/investing's eye. Meanwhile, over at /r/valueinvesting, BBBY is apple of their eye.

Overall, WSB sentiment is bearish compared to bearish yesterday and bearish the previous week. CORN, TSLA, AMC were the most bullish while traders are less optimistic about UVXY, SQQQ, SPY.

Additionally, the top ranked comments today are:

Prolapsed_butthole - 1359 upvotes - source
Yeah I don’t think that’s how basic economics works but what do I know? I hang out here.

SPYalltimehightoday - 1148 upvotes - source
Legit answer, you would probably be getting a ton of phone calls and letters in mail from a collection agency that they may sell the debt to. You may or may not be sued to collect that debt it’s really up to the collections agency if they want to pursue that if it’s worth it. You make up your mind about deciding if you think they believe it would be worth it, who knows. Then after about 4 years (atleast in Texas) it could be different in your state or country, the statute of limitations to collect that debt is over and it done. Doesn’t mean you won’t still be harassed over it or that it won’t destroy your credit. It really depends on alot of factors. If it hits your credit you can try to dispute it but good luck arguing it not being your debt when it’s posted to WSB

Nalgasolina1 - 1092 upvotes - source
We'd have so much gold it would be as valuable as sand

Fantastik-Voyage - 1009 upvotes - source
I have zero remorse for Wallstreet, fuck them and their feelings. I want my fucking price discovery, you fucking assholes !!!!

ValerianR00t - 1001 upvotes - source
sell it, downsize, invest the difference. live off of cpp/oas/investment income. Probably worth speaking to a professional at this point btw

fuckthesuitshard - 959 upvotes - source
I bought a ton of calls Friday close, playing for a dead cat bouce Monday /Tues. I now have Inverse Cramer on my side, gonna make me rich!!!!

creemeeseason - 927 upvotes - source
She picked "disruptive tech" is an era when anything with that label was popular. She got super lucky with TSLA, which probably ran more than it had any right doing. We're coming into an era of higher interest rates and a popping of the speculation bubble. I wouldn't touch any ARK ETF with a 10 foot pole for awhile.

ChiefTrades - 889 upvotes - source
News flash, we are in a recession.

Active_Piglet_7170 - 883 upvotes - source
![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)Still on regsho, high short intrest, float is high, 400million loan, kirkland hired, Wednesday positive news is coming, all and you still don’t belive it![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

Equivalent_Swan_8362 - 851 upvotes - source
Son of a birch I’m in

threelegcatkungfu - 770 upvotes - source
You guys are funny. These are sales to cover the tax withholding of shares vested pursuant to their LTIP plan.

Zebulon_Flex - 757 upvotes - source
Like solid gold top hats.