Almost 2 Years Ago
7 Min Read

WSB is on the NFT, Abe, and Futures trains today. Chooo choooo

Abe is another popular topic. Comments for that:

Fairbanks_Bus_142 - 8 upvotes - source
Dicks out for Abe

sycophantasy - 6 upvotes - source
Just got back from a week in the woods with little reception. Idk why everyone here is so bearish, so long as the honorable Abe Shinzo is at the helm of Japan I know all will be well.

SnooShortcuts7911 - 3 upvotes - source
The Japanese are fucked the most. Inflation is gonna turn it to the asian version of argentina. Dead president abe fucked his country up big time with abenomics".

CheekSpreaderxxx - 3 upvotes - source
Yea lmao , bcuz they wacked Abe and now all of a sudden talks of holding usa nukes. So yea u welcome

Nft is another popular topic. Here's what they're saying:

LightninHooker - 45 upvotes - source
NFT marketplace opened literally 1 day. This sub: are NFT MaiinStrEAm!!11??1

drunkinmidget - 44 upvotes - source
The Coinbase NFT Marketplace launched on May 6th, which means that the GME NFT Marketplace did 60% of Coinbase's 68 days of revenue in one day. That means that on day one, GME brought in 4,080% of Coinbase's average daily revenue.

ajm53092 - 41 upvotes - source
this volume is peanuts compared to what IMX games integration and big name NFT drops will bring.

Tornare - 25 upvotes - source
>How much time and effort do they have to spend creating 10+ million unique NFTs You are still thinking about all that garbage NFT art. NFT in games do not need to be unique. Go look at gods unchained. If you have a certain card you just have that card. The whole unique one of a kind NFT art thing was just created because it could be, not because it had to be. Games just need to make one model like they do today. If you buy a horse in a game it can be a NFT. It does not need to be a one of a kind horse.

BarberTricky171 - 24 upvotes - source
Holy fuck the popcorn apes are trying to “decipher” Adam arons tweets now. They think they’re getting a 4-1 split 😂😂😂 They literally copy everything. Please tell me how gamestops nft marketplace is bullish for popcorn

Born_Gain_817 - 23 upvotes - source
If the NFT that you purchase on the marketplace can generate cash flow for you and has some monetary value attached, that is considered a financial asset. Everyone used currency to purchase the NFT, and should you decide to sell it, you will be selling for currency. And most likely for more currency than what you paid. So, how are these purchases so far not financial assets already as it is? I would say that they are.

Spockies - 23 upvotes - source
Pretty good sum up of future expectations out of the NFT market. Basically the gaming industry is ruining itself by focusing on timeline and delivery of product without considering the quality because bills are due and products must sell. They only worry short term because of that pressure. Imagine if a studio could take their sweet time to perfect a game for a lifetime because that high quality game could exchange hands many times on the basis of how timeless it is. You as a creator don't have to worry about your next fast project to feed you and your team because your legacy products would be able to offset your operation costs. Imagine if blizzard could actually survive off the resell of their old intellectual property as their playerbase wanes as they get older and actually focus on new things for the next generation of gamers. In a way, it's like your grandfather setting up his descendants with a safety net financially so they could focus on other creative paths.

Muroid - 22 upvotes - source
But they don’t. An NFT isn’t the game, except for maybe some very small files. The file either needs to be stored on your computer or on a server owned by a company. That particular hurdle doesn’t go away just because your receipt is on the blockchain.

Holiday_Guess_7892 - 22 upvotes - source
30 times more then coinbase did in there first 24 hours of their NFT marketplace... Albeit been little more over 24 hours but I don't think anyone expected this

DYTTIGAF - 20 upvotes - source
GME shares will act as the price discovery mechanism on the "truth" about our NFT marketplace (and its exceptional performance). We don't have to worry about the MSM. They are just instruments of noise. It's scripted fiction. They could care less about the truth. Coinbase customer service performance (over the last year) should provide a leading indicator of how well their NFT marketplace is going to perform in the future. Coinbase has no soul. It's a void shell of disinterested zombies (who have no love for anything). That why their share price went from $400 to $60 in the span of a year. Expect this performance out of all their future digital offerings into the future. GME share price is unlimited. The company has a soul. It has share holders who have supported the future value of its vision. Our share price is going to the moon. Nice post!

Futes is another popular topic. Here's what they're saying:

SBAlexanian - 45 upvotes - source
Proposal: Ban anyone claiming futes are mooning or drilling unless it's moved at least 0.5%.

EagleOfFreedom1 - 34 upvotes - source
Futes up 0.000000000000001% bears r fuked

thegabe101 - 13 upvotes - source
If anyone here at any point writes "futes ripping" or "futes fading" here at any point tonight with a +/- 1% change I will find them and I will take their copium tank personally

bearhunter429 - 12 upvotes - source
Futes drilling as always.

Reknatami - 11 upvotes - source
Wait, bulls in here talking about futes like they matter on CPI-eve? Couldn't be WSB...

nvanderw - 11 upvotes - source
Futes are fake as always. Who here remembers the days of the plunge protection team?

animositisomina35 - 10 upvotes - source

Heineken_500ml - 9 upvotes - source
Bullish news suddenly being pumped everywhere, SPY spot on 380 to bounce off, and commodities futes mooning... 💀 so disgusting.

buck_is_here_to_fuck - 9 upvotes - source
a little touch of green futes sprinkled 🌨👌 in preparation for massive gap down tomorrow 👇

Merger agreement is another popular topic. Here's what they're saying:

theMMaI - 155 upvotes - source
Eligible shareholders in AOW (other than Aker Horizons) will receive 0.1304 merger consideration shares in Aker Horizons for each share owned in AOW as of the expiry of the Effective Date.....Fractions of shares will not be allotted, and the number of consideration shares delivered to each eligible AOW shareholder will be rounded down to the nearest whole number. So as long as your shares were registered at VPS in Norway you've received equivalent value Aker Horizons shares on June 22. The last trading value of AOW was roughly $0.20 per share, so your 1500 shares were only worth around 300 USD before as well

NihFin - 126 upvotes - source
There was a non-disparagement clause in the agreement that he clearly violated multiple times - hence why they are including all this as evidence

Ed-Sanz - 60 upvotes - source
They probably already have loaned them and just need your agreement so they can be fine on their books. 😂

41BottlesOf - 53 upvotes - source
You’re missing the fact that he probably won’t be able to just pay the penalty and walk away. The Delaware courts will hand him his ass and he’ll have to buy the company at a very close price to agreement. This isn’t the SEC which Elon has been walking over for a decade. The Delaware courts don’t give a fuck. You make a deal in Delaware, you’re going to honor that deal, and some bots that you already knew existed aren’t going to get you out of that deal. Mark my words.

junkdumper - 51 upvotes - source
Check with your provincial regulations. Stat pay doesn't always need to be paid if you're a brand new hire, or haven't worked xx hours/days in advance of the holiday. Unless you mean not being paid overtime rates for working on the stat day, in which case an agreement usually has to be signed between employers and employees with lieu days spelled out. I'm in BC so I'm not sure exactly of your rights, bit a visit to the website or a call to your labor board would likely yield some helpful answers Edit: There are also sometimes exceptions worked out in collective bargaining agreements if you're union. In which case, ask your shop steward.

LWKD - 41 upvotes - source
I have the feeling we are still missing something. Not a Loopring merger, that is just bs. But something to do with extra functions of the marketplace.

Sabti - 35 upvotes - source
IANAL: Because a contract is a legally-binding document between parties, in certain instances if a party is not performing its obligations under the agreement (for example, by not paying for the agreed-upon goods), then the other party can file a complaint in court (here) and demand that the nonperforming (Musk) fulfill his legal obligation under the contract (specific performance). Twitter here is essentially requesting the Delaware court to order Elon to purchase Twitter, as per the agreement (specific performance!).

RockleyBob - 34 upvotes - source
I found this to be interesting: > Twitter also negotiated for itself a right to hire and fire employees at all levels, including executives, without having to seek Musk’s consent. Musk’s initial draft of the merger agreement would have deemed the hiring and firing of an employee at the level of vice president or above a presumptive violation of the ordinary course covenant absent Musk’s consent. Twitter successfully struck that provision before sign One of Elon’s chief complaints is that Twitter fired a couple of executives without consulting him, and it appears they even thought of that during their negotiations. Musk doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

xeio87 - 31 upvotes - source
He should probably be more scared of their lawyers, given he only apparently realized he needed a good legal team after he already signed the agreement to purchase Twitter.

realmastodon2 - 29 upvotes - source
America is still number 2 in manufacturing. China is a huge player. The US automates most of their domestic manufacturing. Which is why most people think the US doesn't do manufacturing. If they do outsource they just go to the border with Mexico. Cheap labor and CAFTA agreement. No tariffs and easy truck and rail access. A lot big manufacturers have factories in Mexico to supply the US.

390 is another popular topic. Here's what they're saying:

Usual_Cow6410 - 15 upvotes - source
we went from 390 to 380 real quick.

hey-mr-broke - 13 upvotes - source
Hey I'm still in the red. Went 'all in' and avg is around \~180/190 range. Been here from the start. Bought in with DFV. Still around. Chillin'. Thought I'd just say hi. No cell; no sell. New floor is 390 yrs/person. Hwang around and find out.

humanus1 - 11 upvotes - source
Somebody predicted 150+ a couple of weeks ago and SPY to 390+ before crash to 280 range, then MOASS. Let's see if he was right. # WE'RE GONNA BE SO FUCKING RICH.

anonymous_pk - 11 upvotes - source
Risk/Reward. <380: We're both fucked 380-387: $380 strikes are better 387-390: $385 strikes are marginally better \>390: $385 strikes are way better I'm betting on a big move upwards Might as well ask why I don't just buy shares like a pleb

MansBarelyHot - 7 upvotes - source
CPI priced in 390 tomorrow

Your_submissive_doll - 6 upvotes - source
everyone being a bear = back to 390

_-FallenArchangel-_ - 5 upvotes - source
u/opinion_is_unpopular what the minimum stock movement for a ban bet now apparently spy 390 is not enough

SmallCapsOnly - 5 upvotes - source
Market goes back to $400 if that happens with a $390 floor My arbitrary numbers are better than yours.

DaddyDersch - 4 upvotes - source
Bull case is harder to predict. Usually i do both but im bearish here... Likely we would see 390 and maybe 400 eow on a really good cpi. But either way i dont think we get that. Even past good cpis we still almost always close lower

Roid_Rage_Smurf - 4 upvotes - source
^(Most Recent Post Count Summary: [REDDIT LINK:](/r/Superstonk/comments/vxbxrb/drsbotnftbot_updates_20220712_14000_feedthebots/)) ||^(**Total**)|^(**[Sprstnk]**)|^(**[GME]**)|^(**[GMEOrphans]**)|^(**[GMEJ_closed]**)| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| ---| |^(🟣+❗**Shares** )|^(**2,988,107**)|^(2,089,310)|^(481,439)|^(407,149)|^(10,209)| |^(❗**Flagged Shares** )|^(**2,524**)|^(2,524)|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)| |^(💀 **Purgatory Shares** [#entries] ) |^(**59,522** [144])|^(42,689 [102])|^(4,596 [17])|^(12,236 [24])|^(1 [1])| |^(**Apes:**)|^(**18,251** )|^(12,015)|^(3,165 )|^(3,001 )|^(70 )| |^(**Avg #Shrs/Ape: [5% trim]**)|^(**163.72** [112.92])|^(173.89 )|^(152.11 )|^(135.67 )|^(145.84 )| |^(**Avg CS Accts/Ape [#entries]** )|^(**1.35** [2,468])|^(1.38 [1,839])|^(1.26 [390])|^(1.30 [238])|^(1.00 [1])| |^(**Avg Purg/Avg DRS shares** )|^(**413.35 /183.86**)|^(418.52 /147.27)|^(270.35 /61.65)|^(509.83 /432.54)|^(1.00 /25.00)| |^(**Avg Entries/Ape** )|^(**1.6079**)|^(1.7642)|^(1.6040)|^(1.0067)|^(1.0714)| |^(**Median [Mode]** )|^(**25.00 [1]**)|^(25.00 [1])|^(24.00 [1])|^(35.00 [1])|^(32.00 [5])| |^(**STDEV** )|^(**443.71**)|^(408.75)|^(541.40)|^(494.47)|^(299.36)| |^(🐒 **X** [avg] ) |^(**3,466** [3.53])|^(2196)|^(600)|^(654)|^(16)| |^(🦧 **XX** [avg] ) |^(**8,823** [38.28])|^(5742)|^(1555)|^(1491)|^(35)| |^(🦍 **XXX** [avg] ) |^(**5,462** [258.89])|^(3712)|^(939)|^(796)|^(15)| |^(⭐**XXXX** [avg] ) |^(**484** [2027.21])|^(354)|^(68)|^(58)|^(4)| |^(🐳 **XXXXX** [avg] ) |^(**16** [15183.81])|^(11)|^(3)|^(2)|^(0)| |^(🐱 **XXXXXX** [avg] ) |^(**0** [None])|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)| ^(**ARE THOSE FLAGGED SHARES YOURS?) * ^(*Shares are flagged when something doesn't jive:*) * ^(Typo?) * ^(Double-entry?) * ^(Missing/lacking proof??) * ^(Use :HELP! to check your entries) * ^(FLAGGED shares auto-removed after 10 days)

Pepsi is another popular topic. Here's what they're saying:

Abeacc - 264 upvotes - source
I even bought a coke instead of a Pepsi to help him out today, guess it might not be enough.

pridez818 - 122 upvotes - source
Markets opened and just as planned I’m down 50% lololol. I’m Diamond handing this until CPI tomorrow unless it just takes a turn for the best today! Regardless fuck Pepsi, Coke FTW

futuredrake - 75 upvotes - source
This guy will never be able to drink a Pepsi the same again

ambernerd - 38 upvotes - source
Have you also switched to pepsi?

WeakWrongdoer6230 - 15 upvotes - source
Pepsi CEO: We've seen no change in consumer behavior from the low end bags of chips to the high end bottled cappuccinos. Jpow: Hold my beer.

mlmz99 - 15 upvotes - source
Pepsi boy may be alright after all

Rick_e_bobby - 13 upvotes - source
He should have know better, Wendy’s carries Pepsi products

Jackie296 - 13 upvotes - source
Now he can only buy 50% less Pepsi products

fe2sio4 - 12 upvotes - source
Pepsi dude went from -60% to -50%.

sonofalando - 11 upvotes - source
Guy who shorted Pepsi in shambles ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)