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>I am more of an indie and soulslike player, but it's not hard to see Rockstar is one of the better game studio's out there. GTA will be top 3 of that year if not game of the year and it will be the elden ring and even bigger of that year. I think the one difference here is everyone and their uncle is *expecting* it to be the best selling game of all time and shatter the record out the wazoo or something, unlike ER. Lotta very high expectations on it But yes it will still be a big hit, I should have framed that *as big* e: Forgot mention that COD and AssCreed is actually weakening in sales though.
I agree with you from an investment point. But this will be a big hit, I can only see one thing making this not as big and that would be GTA being to careful, they need to shit on everything modern to be a good GTA game, like south park for example. Look at AC and COD these still sell like crazy and are very average games. Look at the hipe when something new comes out about GTA, it's all over, even mainstream media picked it up when the trailer came out and that's not happening often. I am more of an indie and soulslike player, but it's not hard to see Rockstar is one of the better game studio's out there. GTA will be top 3 of that year if not game of the year and it will be the elden ring and even bigger of that year.
No. I am talking about the process how that Update was pushed out.
Honestly would've pulled out at like 50-100k and thought I won the lottery. I am not built for this...
I never get what's going on here and at this point i am afraid to ask
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Am I missing how you avoided any instance of reg t on the delta of these psychotic spreads? You had $600 fucking dollars of buying power Fidelity runs their ship like this??? No way. This 401k is tied to something outside of the grasp of the typical investor. If most tried this, I guarantee they'd get fucking flagged down ASAP. Why not you? Margin agreements require retirement assets be presented for collateral or require a guarantee by the account holder. Isn't that a prohibited transaction? So much debt financing. Department of Labor prohibited transaction exemptions? It's still a 401k regardless of UDFI exemptions Btw my condolences to your long lost relative that just passed away
I am not a sports bettor, but there really are a few geniuses that hit that 70% winning average, beating the vig on a steady basis. The individual games are not predictable, especially with spreads, but if you hit 70%, in the long run, you will beat it. It’s like a job, just like day trading. You must assimilate a lot of information to be successful in the long run either trading or sports betting. I don’t get into sports enough to put that kind of effort in, but I do enjoy studying businesses. My undergraduate degree is in accounting, and enjoy studying economics. I also have about 10,000 hours playing poker in a casino. Understanding the emotions of gambling is important to not get gambling fever, to not get greedy, to just be as scientific as you can, understanding what the folks in market might be doing what they are doing, what they are concerned with, or exuberant about. It’s challenging.
lol, great run. If you don’t mind, what you say your average expire date was? How many weeks out was you betting on, and I am assuming from such gains, these were mostly out of the money options early on, or maybe even all of them were ?
So you’re telling me I shouldn’t give up even though I am 14 k in the hole, for the love of god I want to get out of this hole ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
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