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TIL Rivian having a 75% yoy increase in sales isn't doing well. LCID was up 37% yoy.
TLDR: I discovered 0DTEs later in my trading experience which led to being the final nail in the coffin. I made some decent gains with crypto. My first big loss was Elon's tweet and my biggest gain was LCID calls which were 1.2k in profit
My first big loss was from trading LCID calls which expired a 5 days out. I was up +20% until Elon Musk made a tweet which sent TSLA competitors to shit for a few days. I was down 1.7k within 24 hours so I sold then bought puts next market day which gained me $700 in just 3 hours. I quickly sold it there without looking back, at the time I was shocked to recover some of my losses so quickly. During the weekend I discovered 0DTE SPY contracts which I watched at least 2 hours of videos on. The thing is, saying your going to do something is easy, but when in your in the moment and you see SPY moving up and down a dollar at a time it gives you a sudden impulse to trade to avoid FMO. This what I'd later discover to be the nail in the coffin on my trading experience. I originally planned to have my TP at 50% on a 0DTE contract and SL at 25%. When Monday came I bought 3 SPY 0DTE calls and was up 20% but later throughout the day it just moved sideways. At the time I had a wistful concept on what Theta was, and as you may have thought, not only did SPY go down later that day but I held all the way to 1pm from open which made me lose -30% on the contract which was about $500. I don't remember when, but at some point I gained $200 on 0DTE SPY which motivated me to continue. Anyways, after this loss I saw that reddit was yapping about crypto and saw that Shiba has rose 30% the past month. I got in on Shib at .000018 with 1k then held to $200 profit on that Friday. I then opened Shiba charts to try to look for a pattern. I eventually found out that Shib peaked at 4am every day which I tested multiple times and was successful. During that weekend I was able to make $440 by just trading crypto, but I stopped after the following trading day opened. I thought of the crypto gains as a little reward I got out of the pump and dump. After that, the next 2 weeks were just 0DTE options, I had ups and downs but I had a tight TP but a loose stop loss which led to my downfall. It's funny looking back on it because if I were to have bought those same contracts a week out I would have had some nice gains. The last 2 weeks of me trading was me realizing my regarded mistakes, that's where you see those two small bumps at. I was doing somewhat fine until SPY crashed causing my calls to become near worthless. Q: Would you ever go back to options? A: No, I've stated numerous times that I was more consistently profitable from just buying and selling shares. I'd go further in depth about this more but I'm at work Q: How does your loss affect your life? A: Despite me losing over 3k it hasn't affected me financially much because I can make that back in less than 3 months, but it has GREATLY affected my mental health which I am still continuously working towards improving
I sold my LCID and rivian bags at -60% loss a month ago
I was thinking more the smaller names (LCID/RIVN) but they seem to trade with Tesla.
I have LCID too! But I don’t really regret it
Buying the dip on electric cars LCID , Rivian
LCID I don't care, I'm holding...
I'm still bagholding LCID, it's worth so little now that getting rid of it wouldn't make any significant portion of my money back. It sits in my portfolio as a warning about SPACs
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