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GM is dying, they may never be able to transition to EVs. Same with Ford, Stellantis etc. This will become more and more obvious as people start gravitating towards EVs more and more. Tesla is literally just being born. Literally no one buys a gas car after owning a Tesla. people re-buy another Tesla more times than any other brand. Very big difference.
I have won 9/10 of my last Earning Options (I hate GM).... McDonalds is my next bet with PUTS
I say most of the world, which I agree the US has probably fallen too far behind at this point to catch up and be a part of that. Cali, NY, and a handful of other states probably will though. That said, China is currently leading in EV development and I’ll be shocked if the US just rolls over and lets them win. Automotive is too important of an industry. Innovations from automotive are what led to assembly lines and a booming manufacturing industry. They’re what led to advanced tractor systems and a booming agriculture industry. They’re what led to upgraded hydraulics, automatic transmissions, and boosted power output to support a booming construction industry. They’re what led to optimized engines and a stable energy industry. They’re what led to advanced tanks, planes and boats and a secure defence industry. Gigapress manufacturing, electric motor efficiency, battery storage density and charging speed, autonomous tech, etc are going to have the exact same impacts going forward. At some point I think policymakers acknowledge that China cannot be allowed to lead in all those areas, and turns EV development into a matter of national interest. Not as a climate issue, but as a defence and engineering issue. And that’s when the real money will flow. The only question is whether Ford and GM play any part in that transition like they did in the past, or if Tesla and Rivian become the new domestic automotive primes.
Look at how the bar graphs move since 2019. Tesla's growth prospects are much better than gm. Multiples are a function of multi year growth prospects. Tesla is a 100% electric car maker while gm is struggling to make the transition like every other legacy car maker (electric will continue to eat up market share). Not to mention Tesla owns the charging infrastructure and other revenue vectors like Tesla energy and autonomy. For the last 20 years, long term if you bet against elon, you'd be broke af, why is it different now, because he is pro republican?
What I sincerely think: 1. No. 2. Possible (if FSD hits) It’s very popular on Reddit to hate Elon Musk and give bad financial takes, but Tesla is growing and GM is dying, and the market always looks to the future. If you want to throw your life savings into GM go ahead, I wont stop you (and I don’t want to either) this is just my 2 cents. (This is WSB so I am assuming you don’t know what risk management is and you’re gonna all in OTM calls with like 1 year expiration or worse).
Maybe, but what you’re suggesting is just a guess. Here’s more tangible questions: 1. In 10 years, will GM earn more than 5x its current valuation? 2. In 10 years, will Tesla earn more than 60x its current valuation? Whatever your answer explain your case with math.
Compared to Tesla, GM is minuscule.
This. Tesla is not a car company. It is an AI company. You either believe that it will succeed in fully automating driving before anyone else and in the next 10 years or so (in which case you buy the stock) or you don't think it can be done in the next 10 years (or even if it can be....not by Tesla) in which case you sell the stock.  Comparing it to GM is as productive as comparing Microsoft to a home construction company because they both sell services related to windows.
Not sure where GM is in the EV space since I don’t keep up with it, but once EVs hit a majority of sales GM will start losing money. You need to sell a certain amount of cars to turn a profit and cover SG&A and R$D costs. GM has a fairly good chance of going bankrupt in 10 years depending on how fast EVs replace ICE cars and how fast GM adapts.
I feel safer saying gm will be around in 20 years versus Tesla.
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