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Please do
Well, I can do the reverse EASILY bro. And it in like 3 days, not 3 months.
So uhh. I'm here from /all. Do you have any resources I can read on what the fuck did you do, how does this work and how do I set it up? Does it work in Europe? I'd love to actually understand what is happening. As someone who literally never traded I'd love to get into it, but idk how to even start. Congrats on your win.
Where do you think his $500k came from? Money doesn't get created out of thin air (unless you're the JPow, of couse).
Sir, do you have an online coaching program, Telegram group?
This post brings all the degens to the yard. And they like, “do you want fries with that?”
I lost a lot of money from 2020-2023 and now I’m up 300% in 2024. Consistently making money no matter what the market decides to do. Though I never took out loans and got into debt….. you could still take the time to figure things out if you dedicate yourself to it
Correct, he’s attempting a soft landing. Will he actually get that? Maybe, do you want to sit on the sidelines with cash for the next 2 year bull market and take that chance?
It's a double edged sword with brokeagelink, your employer dictates what you can do, even down to what stocks you can't trade.
The real win is helping others to do the same, not just showing off your wins..
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