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Ipatha.B Livestock Subindex TR ETN

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You need more cow bell
No true, it’s a cash cow still but the free results advertisers are getting are getting worse and worse.
What if we all went crazy 5 years ago from undetected mad cow disease
googl is a machine, pretty much everything you want from a megacap, but they guided for basically 0 growth for the next couple quarters which is less than the S&P even though the S&P is a couple points cheaper on a forward valuation. they also missed their youtube rev numbers which is bad. tl;dr similar problem to AAPL where there is currently little to no earnings growth story despite the company being a cash cow.
Just lying. Not in any mood to pop a cork. (Also, holy cow, it’s late.)
Holy cow, brother, I feel your pain…
I think this is why I had so much beginners luck when I first traded options. I was used to 5% being a huge move in stock so when I tried options I was like holy cow and sold at 5-10% gains. Now I’m greedy and lose more often than I win.
Joe rogan Spotify's cash cow huh
what I look for are businesses that I understand - how does the business make money; then I look at historical data - earnings predictions vs actual earnings, stock valuations over time; I then will look at call valuations on what I believe is a reasonable, attainable number after I buy, I set up a sell at a price that is 80-100% higher than what I initially paid - if I paid .$50/share per option contract - $50, I offer my options contracts at $1 per share; when/if the option hits that, and someone buys my option, I take my money and buy an ice cream float (black cow for me) and find another one I am not looking to make yolo types of trades - I like my money too much. If I can make an extra $50 a week from a hobby, that affords me some ice cream floats and the chance to learn something. not professional advice, obviously, and there are tons of places to go to find advice of varying quality - that is what works for me, and you should find what works for you
Agreed. I liked the company and it was my largest holding because it was set up to be a cash cow. However, its multiple required consistent growth. Its growth story is now fucked for at least 1-2 years. Even if they don’t get hit with a single lawsuit over this fuck up, their new client contacts are going to plummet for months to years. This risk might also cause massive attrition. It’s a shame that a company can excel on so many fronts for years and then fuck it all up with a click of a button. I sold my entire position on Friday.
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