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Meta, a boomer tech company whose user base is slowly dieing, went from below $100 to nearly $500 in the span of a year, if you cant see that as a blatant pump and dump I dont know what to tell you
Freedom of speech is a privilege for the few, not the many. The plebs of Reddit only seek to express their base instincts.
I put my life savings in DJT because it’s the only social media company that cares about the user base and investors. Faith based, patriot focused, and will be worth 25x what Pedobook is!
They'll probably release some shitty base model 3 that has fuck-all for margins. Tesla can't survive its valuation as just a car company living on car company margins.
nah he should post something on tiktok that he just banned to reach his voter base
yes but he said they will “build a cheap ev car” in the context of 1. scrapped model 2 2. same base as model 3 3. massive layoffs 4. musk constantly over promises and under delivers and 5) the poor financial situation which, of course, was expected. if the stock stayed flat, i’d understand. but up 15%? on that? that’s crazy to me. also THE ESTIMATES THEMSELVES EXPECTED A SHIT REPORT. and TSLA still missed. id sooner believe it was large institutional players looking to fuck put holders than a genuine belief that TSLA is now worth 15% as a company. their investor relations guy literally just reigned too ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) disclaimer though: this is literally a casino and it wouldn’t surprise me if TSLA went up more on some other stupid hype news, simply disappointing to s
Everyone knows after a certain point you wont be growing sub count at the same rate you plateau for such a big social platform. You want retention and diversification of business to monetize on your base.
Is anyone actually bullish about $CCL??? Honestly, take a look at the fundamentals, the bottom and top lines, and consider its potential for growth. (Travel demand surging + CCL undervalued = 🚀 potential. Loyal customer base, solid balance sheet, and a fleet of 100+ ships. Long-term play, potential 5x-10x return.) I'm bullish about $CCL, and here's why: First, let's take a look at the fundamentals. Carnival Corporation & plc ($CCL) is the world's largest cruise company, with a market cap of approximately $22.5 billion as of April 24, 2024. The company has a solid balance sheet, with a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.78, indicating that it has a manageable amount of debt compared to its equity. Additionally, $CCL has a loyal customer base and a fleet of over 100 ships, making it a major player in the cruise industry. Now, let's consider the company's financial performance. In 2023, $CCL reported revenue of $24.5 billion, a significant increase from the $5.6 billion it reported in 2022. This indicates that the travel demand is surging, and $CCL is well-positioned to benefit from this trend. Moreover, $CCL's stock price is currently undervalued, with a price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 10.4, compared to the industry average of 15. This presents a great opportunity for investors to buy the stock at a discount and benefit from its potential growth. The company's history also supports a bullish outlook. Before the pandemic, $CCL was a high-flying stock, with a P/E ratio of over 20. While the pandemic had a significant impact on the company's financial performance, it has since recovered and is now back on track for growth. Essentially, with a loyal customer base, solid balance sheet, and a fleet of over 100 ships, $CCL is a long-term play with the potential for a 5x-10x return. The surge in travel demand and the company's undervalued stock price make it an attractive investment opportunity. **Let's send CCL to the MOON!** 🚀🚀🌕
Haha, those covid bags? Well, $CCL's definitely bounced back since then, with a solid balance sheet and a loyal customer base. They're still managing some debt, but with travel demand surging, I'm still bullish on their future!
Tesla just announced they will start producing a vehicle they still haven’t presented yet lmao. Stock had high demand, Tesla investors started selling their stocks to exit the ship before it drowns. When reality comes, Tesla will be at 100. This stock surge has basically no solid base.
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