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Waiting for breakthrough tomorrow on HIMS at 22.75 and BAC at 42.75. If the hulk dicks look promising I’m loading up on calls for August 2nd. If nothing happens there then I’m probably staying out completely. Might load up on 0DTE puts on spy if we keep bleeding. I always manage to get fucked with puts. Don’t make me gamble on QQQ. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)
That's why some folks hold cash/bonds/PM/alts/puts so that in the case of a downturn they'd have money [to buy the dip]( XLU/JNJ/T/SGOV/BAC/ENR/LMT/CHRD/BIL/BOXX are all up for me. Selling covered options because I'm not selling the underlying to rise some funds. Will probably sell my BIL/SGOV for liquidity since margining up on a 1 day selloff is silly AF when you don't know if we'll get more downside.
>WhY Is eVeRyThInG so EXPeNsIvE? *Whilst typing on a $1000 $AAPL iPhone 15 Pro Max and slurping down a $7 $SBUX drink in a brand new $TSLA Model X funded by a 8-year loan from $JPM or $BAC*
Nope. I'm currently short $DDOG, $TSLA and $GOOG. Up on those three. Shorted $BAC but I'm down ~20% on that one so far. All are dated for 10/18. So I've got plenty of time. I don't play with fire and that's what $NVDA is for us ghey bears. You regards will buy dogshit wrapped in catshit if it runs and keep doing it well after the mania is over so I stay away. If you're long, good luck!
Why is Warren G selling shares of BAC?
BAC bers' desperate attempt to get people to sell so their puts will print instead of expiring worthless
If you had followed Warren in then you should be fine. I bought mine at around $24-25 when Warren got his for $25. If he's selling some then I might think about it but I don't know what he's switching to. The way I see it is unless he's totally out then it's fine since I use BRK 13F as a "free homework" for some of the individual stocks I own. If BRK totally dumps then it might rise a red flag for me too. It could be that BRK folks see rates coming down and are loading up on bonds. However any normal small investor under 55 might not want to do that. Much less someone trading or under 35. Also [BAC has become BRK's largest 2nd largest holding so it might just be a rebalance.](, with AXP (another financial) as it's 3rd largest being overlap, and plus AAPL which does fintech as well as behaving like a bank in downturns due to it's large cash pile being it's largest holding. Remember that as small investors we can do things he can't/wouldn't and vice versa. Warren got really good deals on GE/GS/Banks during the GFC since he went out personally to offer liquidity in the form of direct purchases or share+cashinfusion/loans where he got favorable terms. On the flipside, folks were shitting on Warren/Charlie/BRK being washed boomers because they sold the airlines at the bottom in 2020 (I personally bought DAL even after hearing he sold), but what was the most likely scenario is that ALL the airlines needed bailouts but BRK ownership probably created hiccups. Not sure what since it's behind closed doors but I would assume the government might not be as willing to give, might not give as much, or might have wanted something from BRK which got in the way so BRK just dumped. Also BRK tries to buy and hold forever while airlines are usually trades or semi-long investments at best where the ideal situation is to dump before the economy sours or goes into recession since the air travel industry is a bit of a "feast or famine" type sector as opposed to say AAPL, AXP, and BAC which weather downturns pretty well. I mirrored BRK into AXP and BAC since 2020. I bought a lot more AXP and less BAC because I thought AXP does well even with inflation. Turned out I did pretty well but Warren probably didn't buy more AXP because it was already one of his largest holdings even before 2020.
30 million shares is a drop in the bucket dude. That’s 3% of his total BAC holdings, it literally means nothing
It’s like 2% of their BAC holding. Repost
Thank you I was thinking of selling all my BAC until you pointed that out...
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