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He most certainly did not Edit: I thought you were replying to the “or -500 mil” comment
about 11 hours ago
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Tree fiddy.
about 15 hours ago
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ACHR bout to do that vertical takeoff edit: nailed the top with my comment. ez
about 20 hours ago
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Naah it is not gambling, gambling means you have a winning chance. Here, you have a zero chance on 285. Almost zero chance. Yeh. Gambling is 400pe, 350pe , maybe even 325pe. 285 ain’t coming. Edit: I see it is 9/20. Thought it would expire sooner. Yeh it will go up then. If it would have expired within a week or two of results , it would go to zero and have a zero chance. Ok you have a chance at this gamble
about 22 hours ago
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*Thanks for the loss porn post. I got reamed too but not like that. Holy guhgeebers Batman.* *CMG is expensive and has been heading south ever since the split. My guess is even with the announced 400 million buy back that Bill Ackman is STILL reducing his position in this billion dollar burrito stand. We'll know if that theory is correct with the next 13F. The latest 13F already shows he has been reducing his position by about 10%. It's much harder for he/managment and the WS mafia to control now that there are so many shares out there. They're laying it off to retail. Billiant plan Mr. Ackman. Well done sir.* Edit: I’ll never buy a ***shitty Chipotle*** burrito again
about 22 hours ago
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Was I? I have no idea who you are but if you were saying dumb shit like this then probably Edit: oh I think I found it, you were crying like a baby about downvotes and I made fun of you and none of it was about the market. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
about 23 hours ago
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Poors caught on so it will chop until they get shake out of the tree
about 23 hours ago
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Weird, my finance textbook put the lifetime yoy average return on small caps at 16% which was 4% higher than the 12% in the S&P Isn't this why small caps do better when rates go down in the first place? The risk free rate goes up when TLT goes down. Edit: Yeah your numbers are way fucked up. The average annualized return over the lifetime of the rus is around 15%. The short term average is lower because small caps have been dragged down a lot by market conditions. When the russ runs up, it runs up massively according to history.
about 24 hours ago
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I have 118calls. But I'm playing a different game than most of you all. My goal is to start with 1 contract and snowball that into 100 contracts. I got up to 5 before they started talking Trump Trade and then poof... My streak was over... I don't think it will start its steady climb again until after the election and if Trump wins, it will hurt NVDA. Edit: I was testing some pattern trading ideas I had. Stocks that close the week higher than they open. NVDA HAD a nice pattern going where it would peak on Tuesday / Wednesday then drop on Thursday, it would bounce back a little on Friday but not enough to make up for the drop on Thursday. Still closing higher than open on Monday. So if I bought on Monday and sold by Wednesday, I was making good money and was able to hit 5 weeks in a row with this strategy. I was dumping stock data out of yahoo and analyzing it with ChatGPT, looking for patterns in stock prices. It worked until it didn't. lol
1 day ago
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So far earnings are really good what are you talking about? [https://en.macromicro.me/collections/2932/info-tech/23217/earnings-beats-estimation](https://en.macromicro.me/collections/2932/info-tech/23217/earnings-beats-estimation) The issue is worries about the future and forecasts. The positive earnings surprises are above average. 79.67% of companies posted "worthy" earnings. Edit: Define worthy as you apparently can't deal with normal data like an earnings beat rate.
1 day ago
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I can say this much: I like this tree. Also my dog, but he is hot and furry.
1 day ago
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We ain't talking about the sub, we're talking about OP. At least I have been. Not sure if you picked that up, reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your forte. Edit: And if you do read OP's comments, you can pretty safely assume he's a millionaire, which is rich to about 98% of the world
1 day ago
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*It’s was cold night in city of WSB. Piles of regard port corpses littered the street. Dank 80s synthwave unironically filled the unsettling quiet left by financially ruined apes, permabools, and of course…bers who weren’t wrong, but just early.* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627) Sub ded. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) EDIT: Bonus points if you read the above in the voice of Rorschach.
1 day ago
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I don’t think earnings will shit itself, but it’s possible. My bets more on their data release for BEAM 101 human trial before the end of the year. I believe BEAM 101 data will blow CRSP out of the water. Sickle Cell Disease will be a thing of the past. I believe base editing is superior to CRSPs method for sickle cell specifically. I like their Alpha 1 anti trypsin as well but not familiar with it. If earnings in a few days cause a dip, I will likely buy more.
1 day ago
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Some wish to return to the coconut tree. Others think it is enough to know they've fallen out of the coconut tree. But the greatest among us know they must plant coconut trees only future generations will fall out of.
1 day ago
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