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JBLU keeps moving higher on earnings whispers.
about 18 hours ago
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#Ban Bet Lost /u/stock_dude9 made a bet that BKNG would go to 3920.0 within **1 day** when it was 3842.9 and it did not, so they were banned for a week. Their record is now 36 wins and 52 losses [**Join WSB Discord**](
about 18 hours ago
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if i dont trade on this news. but someone else from here does. would that be insider trading? really curious? not holding any AAL and the site just went back up
about 21 hours ago
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There should be an Uber/Lyft knock off that's exclusively the hump seat of a motorcycle. Bonus points if it takes up the name "Scoober". Probably manage to sell out to Uber in under 5 years too.
about 21 hours ago
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Earlier was given u/Loopgod- a hard time about the ticker. So I decided to do some more research. Make delivery robots, have new orders for 2000 robots. Private investor invested 15 million *(sounds like he cannot sell on open market)* NVDA has 50K in shares. Appointed new Board of Directors, IPO was in April. Partnerships with Uber Eats, 7Eleven and Delivery Hero. Have been trying to find out when Options will open up on the ticker.
about 21 hours ago
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about 21 hours ago
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Uber is such a money destructor
about 22 hours ago
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They are toast (in the short-medium term). I don't know if they are bankrupt toast, though: * Companies will renegotiate contracts going forward to increase liability to CrowdStrike. Lower forecast profit * Their insurance premiums are about to make what happened to recent car rates look like a tiny blip * Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits. You know there are 100s being prepared right now. Funds hate lawsuits. They create an undetermined element of risk to a stock because there is no way to know how much the payouts will be (See: JNJ) * Sales calls - Just imagine being a CRWD sales rep trying to close a deal in the next few months. Bigly discounts. And I don't think $10 vouchers to Uber are going to cut it. * Competition will pounce - This is the time for PANW and others to make their move, even at the cost of revenue. Easy talking points for sales reps: "Remember when the world went to shit for a day? That was not us." - So, lower sales and more discounting. * Pelosi owns PANW... Enough said I expect the true pain to evidence itself on the earnings call. Stock values are all about projections of the future. I am dubious that call will go well. And the following one in November will likely be a disaster.
about 22 hours ago
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No I just bought shares. That's my entire IRA account in AAL now lol (already up 5% though, could have been more if I bought in yesterday instead of the day before)
1 day ago
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AAL, it's at the lowest it can be from what I see.
1 day ago
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Tell me girl do ya really wanna LUV me forever *oh oh oh* Or is it just a CUK and run
1 day ago
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> this is more like a correlation != causation case Not even. OP has either been smoking crack or they're full of it. Here is what the [actual data]( says: |Date|Jul|Sep| --:|--:|:--| |1988|-0.5%|**4.0%**| |1992|**3.9%**|**0.9%**| |1996|-4.6%|**5.4%**| |2000|-1.6%|-5.3%| |2004|-3.4%|**0.9%**| |2008|-0.7%|-9.4%| |2012|**1.2%**|**2.4%**| |2016|**3.5%**|-0.1%| |2020|**5.3%**|-4.1%| |2024|-0.8%|| It only goes back to 1985, but that's plenty far enough back to completely refute OP's claim. That said, from 1985-present, September has been the worst month on average, by far (this includes all years, not just election years): ||Mean|Median| :--|--:|--:| |Jan|1.1%|1.6%| |Feb|0.3%|0.9%| |Mar|1.0%|1.6%| |Apr|2.1%|0.9%| |May|1.0%|1.2%| |Jun|0.4%|0.2%| |Jul|1.1%|1.4%| |Aug|0.1%|0.2%| |Sep|-0.5%|-1.0%| |Oct|0.1%|1.8%| |Nov|1.2%|2.4%| |Dec|2.4%|1.5%|
1 day ago
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any genius here can tell me why airlines V shape today? LUV AA?? earning were shit
1 day ago
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>Tesla plans pivot away from Electric Vehicles This would be the single dumbest move they could ever make. The future is electric vehicles, always has been, always will be. There is NO future for gas cars. They figured that out in early 2000's when toyota went to hybrids, then were supposed to go full electric. The new dumbass CEO decided not to, so that is why tesla has the best electric car in the market. >Even if you're a bull of Tesla, I think any of these focuses are a long-shot from actually becoming a reality: Why is gas.... a non-renewable resource anything but a long shot? >Humanoid Robots - What are the chances of these becoming a reality in the next 10 years, and Tesla actually profiting from them? They will profit because business will buy they up like candy to make their operations cheaper. Robots will eventually be the manual labor. Humans will eventually be the ones repairing them or doing higher functioning tasks/orders. A slight profit on robots and they will shoot through the roof. The Autonomous technology alone is worth endless streams of money. They both also use similar technology, just as higher speeds and one does more complex tasks. >Autonomous Taxis - How long has Elon been promising this to be a thing, and what are the chances of these becoming a reality in the next 10 years, and Tesla actually profiting from them? Why do you think uber/lyft makes money off stealing 40-60% of profit from those drivers? >With all this being said, I have a cool grand to gamble on options, so what bet do you guys think I should make on Tesla today? I have an overall bet on technology since it is the future. Tesla (excluding musk cause he is an asshole) has my vote for changing the way we live and hopefully making the world a better place.
1 day ago
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Best part is apparently some didn’t work because Uber flagged them as fraud due to the volume ordered. So to recap - Broke more or less all the computers - mea culpa’d by spending X m(B!?)illion on Uber eats as their stock tanked - Uber thinks they DDoS’d them so won’t honor their gift cards God tier crisis management
1 day ago
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