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Could have had like $1k/month passive income if you'd have just put it into a fat dividend stock like INSW. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
3 days ago
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nat gas producer that looked like was going under
5 days ago
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out of shear luck I saw the nat gas prices were going up a few weeks ago and TELL was lagging behind and way too cheap below asset worth and pushed my chips all in
5 days ago
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I think the stability in the form of a competent non-senile adult will stabilize the market. Kamala has the female vote. She has the people of color vote. She has voted as Progressive as Bernie Sanders as a senator. That’s 75 % of the US population. Only 18% of the US population voted for Trump. I’m voting for Kamala, and I’m way more excited about it than elderly Biden. Vote this up if you agree. Trump and his white power Nationalist Christian (Nat C) associates want to drag us back to the hypocritical 1950s. They will ban abortion permanently, but also stop supporting children’s programs. They want to create a false narrative that all non-straight people are evil, subversive pedophiles. They want to roll back all progress on climate change, and bring back maximum oil production and war for oil. You can read Project 2025 easily for yourself. They are false patriots. They are fake Christians. They represent the treason and fascism we were warned about by the founding fathers. I’m voting for Kamala, and I’m psyched.
6 days ago
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