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Accounting terminology (ASC 320): **Available-for-Sale Securities** -- Investments not classified as either trading securities or as held-to-maturity securities. **Held-to-maturity** -- are other debt instruments (aka bonds) that has a fixed term. **Trading Securities** -- Securities that are bought and held principally for the purpose of selling them in the near term and therefore held for only a short period of time. Trading generally reflects active and frequent buying and selling, and trading securities are generally used with the objective of generating profits on short-term differences in priceTrading Securities. The difference is a management decision/choice that usually included an action (saleable or not with an active market) Also, The term "debt security" (Any security representing a creditor relationship with an entity), and excludes all of the following: **Option contracts, Financial futures contracts, Forward contracts, Lease contracts, Receivables** that do not meet the definition of *security* and, so, are not debt securities, for example: **Trade accounts receivable** (arising from sales on credit by industrial or commercial entities, **Loans receivable** (arising from consumer, commercial, and real estate lending activities of financial institutions). The unrealized gain/loss aspects here represent two separate Income statement items. Trading and HtM are normal business operations, whereas AfS is considered unique until actually sold (then captured as business operations).
3 days ago
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Although they think they have 200IQ, being a bear is actually 10x easier than a bull. Pick a cool sounding story of how everything falls apart. * dOlLaR mIlK sHaKe tHeoRy * Europe freezes over, nat gas to $15 * Evergrande * Student loans resuming * Rent forbearance resuming * CRE apocalypse * WW3 with Iran * Russian nukes * cOmModItY sUPeRcYCLe, hYpeRiNflAtiOn * qT, rRp vOrTeX * 10Y goes to 7%, no one will buy bonds again Create monuments of nothingness and DD that convinces you that it's 100% real. When it whiffs, make up an excuse and new goalpost. Bulls have to listen to alllll this shit from diverse set of doomers, investigate them and decide if it's real or not. Dig up and look at real data, and prove to themselves precisely why it is bullshit. Be comfortable fully exposed to all sorts of potential nonsense. Way more difficult.
4 days ago
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im about tk buy calls an ruin this for everyone
4 days ago
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>Canada doesn't have an economy, Truth. We sell oil and nat gas to the USA, and sh*t houses to each other in a nation where the weather sucks 7 months a year.
5 days ago
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