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Clown comment on this sub. YOLO it anon you have it all figured out.
about 10 hours ago
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Thanks for your submission! To keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! So we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts: * YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened. * Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. We want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot). This is what a great post looks like: [$17.2K Gain on AMZN]( - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post! Here are examples of what could get your post removed: * [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling]( - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**. Here are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better: * [$75,000 DDOG Loss.]( - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions. * [$1.1MM Loss, No details]( - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
about 11 hours ago
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So hypothetically speaking if you were to yolo it all one more time what would you choose? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) Maybe another earnings play?
about 11 hours ago
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What was the single biggest profit you got from a play? Did you yolo all profits into next play?
about 12 hours ago
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Trading yolo options on earnings is your first mistake. People do not always act rationally on an individual stock basis.
about 13 hours ago
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you might be the best degener of wallstreetbets but in all honesty. Im sorry for your loss bro you should of started on demo. Then did a small account flip just cause you have money does not mean you yolo it.
about 16 hours ago
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Taking a loan out to YOLO on options is regarded regardless of the outcome. 
about 16 hours ago
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Lol, don't Yolo your life savings plus a loan. That's not nearly as insightful or a revelation to almost anyone. Anyone not as regarded as you knows that options are for play money and anyone who truly yolos is doomed to lose cuz even if they win, they'll go out over their skis eventually and give it all right back. Congrats, you found out that the house always wins now.
about 17 hours ago
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Dawg, If I had that much cash I'd just sit on it and wait for a massive crash day like we had just a few days ago and YOLO 100K on a 0DTE. Learn some TA and you can make 20% in literal seconds. Jeez
about 17 hours ago
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WTF is the thesis here? It's a 30 year old burrito company that was trading at like $80b market cap on like $1.5b earnings. What multiple do you guys think a burrito company should be trading at? Are these guys making a 50% margin on their burritos? How fast can you even scale a burrito supply chain? And, most importantly, why did they get rid of the chorizo?! Buying at that price is paying up front for the 90th percentile growth scenario, and the market is taking it back to the 50th percentile growth scenario. It's a meme stock, the only CMG options I would touch are salsa options. But it's WSB, so...yolo. Looking forward to seeing a post from someone who lost $100k on puts next week.
about 18 hours ago
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You can be a degen gambler, but if you do that make you understand what is risk management and consequences of actions I have a portion of my port that is labeled Degen Gambling, but even in that account I don't yolo into a single option play ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) . even risk is better with diversity
about 18 hours ago
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Looking for the CHEAPEST earning plays next week I’m playing some TLRY puts cuz they are dirt ass dollar store cheap. Not looking to get RICH obviously, just looking for absolute cheap plays to take a swing at. Suggestions??
about 19 hours ago
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Tlry puts ez money or nah?
about 19 hours ago
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How many shares you short?  Hope you YOLO $10,000 plus of puts
about 19 hours ago
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You still got $800 to yolo in NVDA calls
about 20 hours ago
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