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My bags are heavy Mama Su, please come save me next week during ER ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)
about 22 hours ago
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I'm ready to be heart-broken by Su Bae again.
1 day ago
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I’m gonna Su if AMD doesn’t recover ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)
1 day ago
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Amd trades at 0.5 peg ratio much cheaper than most tech, nvdia is at 1.0 (still cheap). And their case is that ai demand is just too strong and will continue to be so, as long as they have a serviceable and competitive chip (which they have) they will keep cashing in with good margins (not as good as nvdia though). And as for cuda they are already working on an alternative called rocm, not to mention amd led by the brilliant lisa su. Risks exists for amd of course as for anything but the ratio risk/reward is really good i think. Mu on the other hand is a no brainer, yes they are a cyclical as you mentioned but the cycle has just barely started. Skhynix and samsung the only two other players, but the three will be probably be at max capacity for years.
1 day ago
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calls on cvx, puts on ba, calls on tlry, calls on pfe
1 day ago
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You do you bro. By the numbers, just in a optimal TS are holding scenario, the damages are a full loss of revenue for 12 months
2 days ago
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Where do you read about this? I’m trying to be more informed on the market but where tf you find ts?
2 days ago
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I’m just hearing this song called “dark red” for the first time. And ts is beautiful 😭
2 days ago
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they are delaying it to be after Intel patch in August, Su is playing chess there
2 days ago
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3 days ago
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Yeah I pulled out of SOXL tdy, but I can only do ts buy back cycle 3 times a week
3 days ago
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this is me with AMD, i'm like 30% OTM now. need a lisa su hail mary![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)
3 days ago
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Where’s Huang and Su. Need them to pump up my calls.
4 days ago
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(I am already betting with different instruments on crowdstrike dying before the end of the year) Crowdstrike is only propped up by the thesis of it being a growth company with exceptional margins. However, its barely profitable. They have only have 3.7bill in Cash. Once that revenue cut hits in Q2 and Guidance gets fucked (they probably wont give guidance for the rest of fiscal 25) its already gonna crater. Then the Suits hit. EULA and TS won’t protect them against Gross negligence suits. They will have to prove that wasn’t gross negligence and Cali does not cap damages on gross negligence. In no fucking way will they have enough cash to cover 1/10 of claims. Chapter 11 is absolutely likely before Q3. The only bull case basically is that Amazon, Google, Microsoft wush in and buy their stuff and all my lovely options and warrants get fucked once the underlying stops trading. (The pre market rebound is just a dead cat bounce regards, this shit will die)
4 days ago
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I think possibility is there with setting up PSX boot loader hijack by major retailers (Dell/HP/etc) of the laptops (way to distribute firmwares) BUT it probably excludes machines with bitlocker turned on.
5 days ago
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