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Haven’t you ever heard of a stop loss? Wtf? I wish I could lose that and be okay, because that would mean I’d never gamble that in the first place and definitely be okay.
I wish to be Chevron exec station in Venezuela, their inflation is great for my hooker habit, being able to afford high class escort at a fraction of the price. My relocation fees alone would be enough for every day expense for the entire length of my assignment
Blackrock allegedly shorted a Trump stock prior to the incident in PA. They lost millions but were allowed to give it back with no repercussions. Wish that worked for you and me.
Sometimes I wish people would just give me money
Thanks for making me feel better about my own investment losses. Wish you the best in (hopefully) your efforts to pay back the loan. Or whatever development as long as it’s a positive one.
You wish you could go back in time so you could have that money to play on something else knowing what you know now. Hope you learned your lesson. Those Dave’s Singles arent gonna flip themselves!
Wall Street needs more people like you! I wish more people would buy tech with leverage. I want 2000 to happen again!
I'm sorry this happened to you. Wish I could rewind and make some different choices also. Good luck recovering and keep your health and happiness which money can not replace.
yep, generally, Lamborghinis are not earned, they purchased by the people who got inherited or stupid money… I wish I had both.
I wish Kamala would edge me instead of Trump
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