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Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc 5.875% Prf Perpetu

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All-in $595 401(k) is a strategy that literally can’t go tits up
Congratulations!! You're amazing. What was the trade on 10-16 May that made you go up from 40 k to 350-400 k?
So you’re telling me I shouldn’t give up even though I am 14 k in the hole, for the love of god I want to get out of this hole ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
Wal k away hire an accountant do your taxes and than buy a house cash or invest it in some Way where you get passive income
This is a strategy I will emulate Mr. OP, Tha k you very much!
Email marketing. Rofl. Good luck standing out in people's 30,000 unread email inbox. We are getting to a point where most growth has to come organically, from WOM, organic YouTube vids (so WOM) and trustworthy review sites. Because every CEO has wanted to 2x revenue every year and spammed the advertising channels to death. I would pivot to industry specific influencer marketing if I were you (and not the Instagram Kim K influencers, I mean technical influencers who actually post how to vids on YT).
$500 k on stupid chipotle?!….
Come on man head up you still got 6 k to lose
I’m a broke ass so I only made like 200 bucks from 30 shares I picked up at 12 bucks. And 100 off a single call. But I’m holding that call until November and I grabbed a few more calls. If I can make a couple k I’ll be happy.
> It's only one part of their business, ...k, every other part of their buiness is rekt, already. dcai has been down. client has been their best segment (this is client...) >costs don't matter when they're spending $16B on R&D. lolz! i see, you're delusional. carry on, then. >AI accelerators hahahahahahaha intel guided for a whole $500 million in 2024 revenue for gaudi. you're clueless.
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