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VS 2X VIX Short Term

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Here's a serious answer: I bought TVIX (2x long VIX ETF, now delisted) during the pandemic, made money, shorted UVXY the entire last 4 years, and am still short the VIX now. Based on your posts, you don't have the necessary knowledge to understand why the VIX moves the way it does. The prices you see are not BS, if you shorted or were long $30,000 back then, you would only owe/have $24 now. The issue is you made no actual case for where UVXY would end up. What is the target downside for the S&P, what is the VIX target based on historically similar situations, what's your exit point? What is the UVXY target if the VIX ends up where you think it is? How much would you lose if your thesis is incorrect, how long are you willing to wait? Trying to trade the VIX is an entire job, there are so many factors going into it, it's best left to Finance and Econ PhDs, because that's who created the math behind the VIX.
TVIX rocketed to the moon during covid. Those were good times indeed. I miss TVIX.
Reverse split a few times, there was also TVIX, was a good time trading these leveraged during covid
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