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Man Boeing is such a giant flaming pile of hot kaka. >Cash-strapped Boeing is facing mounting costs from an ongoing machinist strike as workers push for higher pay. A failure to get a deal done could be even more expensive. >That would add to the borrowing costs of the company, already $60 billion in debt. Boeing has burned through about $8 billion so far this year in the wake of a near-catastrophic door plug blowout from one of its 737 Max planes in January. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/09/21/boeing-strike-machinists-prepare-for-lengthy-stoppage.html Clearing just a few in the c-suite is not enough. Multiple, multiple layers of people need to be purged to fix how rotten this organization is. It may not even be fixable at this point and we need more players in this space to compete. Corruption is so deeply ingrained in the culture. It's one never ending catastrophe after another.
Can you help me out Absolutiongap? Are you saying when volume spikes in OOM it usually implies more volume of put options because investors expect the option to expire less than strike price? I don’t understand theta at all. I know delta equates to the acceleration rate of time decay when all else is equal. I’ve also made the mistake of selling profitable call options way too early and missing out on big gains. For instance, last month I bought a bunch in KEY, T, VZ, MPW, MGM, C, and MRK cuz the shorter term options were pretty cheap and I figured the loss wouldn’t be great. I got lucky on KEY cuz they had a settlement so 70 bucks in calls turns into 4,200. Profits on the others but more like 300-500%. I guess I just figured if I did the simple math in my head, as long as you have a few home runs, you can afford to take risks and have other options expire to zero. I don’t think I’m regarded but possibly naive. Help a brotha out here!! I need your wisdom
Max fud to get paperhanded bulls to sell into the weekend. Because w/c monday we go vertical. Rate cuts go brrrrrr
I have two INTC 10/18 24 C that just went ITM! I really didn’t expect that. Hope it holds.
It’s the weekend. Market is closed. But we need some action. Let’s get a bet going on how Diddy will kill himself; a. Hanging b. Wrist slashing c. Murder by an inmate that was a 2Pac fan
I'll do it in UK money and taxes and see if I can get you there by rigging the returns on S&P500 Alright, so you don't need a £3k mortgage, sell your house, buy a dead cheap one for £100k. Alright so we down to £1k per month. You need chicken and rice, some spices, milk and tea bags, and some cereal. Let's call it £50 per person per month. Kids can go hungry some days, fuck it's let's act like it's the 50s. Them cost £25 a month. Salary gets taxed at 50% because it's the UK and fuck you for making money. £125k per year, about £11.5k per month or so. So bills everything else for £2k per month, let's knock off another £10k off your surplus income for lolz. Alright so your running around with c.£90k surplus per year. So you save £450k over 5 years and growth between now and 5 years ago (if we rewind to June 2019- June 2024) S&P grew by about 95% So yeah mayyybbeee if you decide to live like a man in a shack
My $INTC 9/27 22$C was 11$ but then it bought me dinner ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
Holding ANET 350 C 1/17/25…. Debating clipping the position. I bought when ANET was trading around $338. I want to let it run but I kinda need the powder to average down on some losers so I can scale out at break even.
Position: 1 INTC June 20 18 C @ $5.38. Now I'm sad I didn't buy more.
NVDA 10/04/2024 130.00 C Last price $0.48 48 dollars to put your money where your mouth is.
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