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People don’t remember anything at all. It’s serious brain rot.
Lol what the fuck are you even saying? So, neural networks will continue to improve over and over, and yet in your mind this is bad and shows AI is bad. You have brain rot.
One day, probably soon, Warren Buffett will be rotting in the ground, and all those principles and bootstrap ideologies he's spent a lifetime cultivating and enforcing at the expense of those around him will rot away too. And his money will find its way into the hands of others, most of which will need it far more than he ever did, and all that will be left of him is the memories and stories others carry with them. And sure, maybe his adult children can laugh it off as 'That was just dear old dad', but those of us without any sort of familial attachment to him will continue to recoil at these tales of preachy self-righteous obstinance. Sometimes doing the good thing is better than doing the right thing.
Can you get a hobby and stop speaking incel Spamming "war against bears" isnt a real thing part you're reddit brain rot brain
Dude idgaf you’re still a lame fuck dude. Only people you’re fucking are people you pay. Your money means nothing. One day you’re going to die and rot. You’re trading will have been for nothing and the only way you’ll live on is people remembering you as an unbearable fat fuck. Choke on your own vomit when you’re oding later prick
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