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You never know - by tomorrow some people maybe wake up going "wait a second - didn't he promise us a roadster, and big rig and truck that all took like 17 years past the promised date to arrive" and choose to sell...
Bers buying the doom’s day propaganda from those who rig the market to make extra profit with every dip #adoptaber #regardationmatters #berparentalcontrol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)
There’s more than one way to rig a market my dude idk wtf hedge funds are gonna do they have multiple ways to fuck retail sideways
Rookie numbers - I had a Bitcoin mining rig in my cart, nice little ASIC, around $2500 at the time. Bailed because I was concerned about the cost of electricity *IN 2009*
He is a BOEING engineer. If he tried to rig up something like that, chances are that parts would just fall off and the whole thing would catch fire.
300 million people seated at a table playing a board game. Half of them work together to rig the outcome in their favor. The other half keeps trying to play by the rules. One group we could call evil, the other one we could call stupid. But it is a certainty the terms of the rigging are the future. By this we can plan. At a minimum inflation will never cease.  #☯️
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