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Probably pretty badly, imo the Buffs suck at football - although they seem to have been getting better and better. If I were a betting man I'd say you're safe betting the spread. Currently Huskers have 7.5 on the Buffs, but I see them winning by at least 10+. I am not at all a sports guy though so my opinion isn't worth much. Went to a few games while I was in school - always left disappointed... Unless it was the Colorado State vs CU - "I SAID IT SUCKS. TO BE. A CSU RAM." Hilarious chants, although that seemed to be the only game we won at the time.
Yup. My 1st PC was 200mhz with Turbo. Don't even remember HD size or RAM. Got online with "YOU GOT MAIL!" Haha
Power .5 hour will ram bears arses ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)
Just saved a bunch of money.. ordered parts to replace some transmission shit in the truck. Never been in a tranny before prob never will move after I open her open I’m prob fucked. Puts on ram.. newish trucks money pits…. I’m fckd 
🅱️arfield riding a ram
they did, something like 30% of all data processed was overhead due to having to move data across different chips and cards and from storage and RAM and whatever back in the 90's I had a sound blaster card with the IDE controller on it. My game loads went from 90 seconds to like 10 seconds. People I talked to bought into SCSI and they would play stuff with a lower CPU spec'd PC because the SCSI card and HD took a lot of the CPU load off the rest of the system. SoC's are just the modern version with almost everything on the same chip or board to reduce processing overhead
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