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Fidelity charges 0.65 to open a contract. So when I traded 1000 contracts opening/closing costs me $1300
That drop from $466k to about $200k. Were you holding a position the whole time through that and then it ended up working out for you or did you cut your losses and open up a new position?
bro I think you are delusional lol , did you already open positions ?
Open an LLC, forge the books for a larger loan, buy more options, report back. i believe in you OP!
Is this offer open to anyone?
You could have done Sell to Open Meta put options. Worst case scenario you own the shares. Or just play with the leverage ETFs. Again, worst case scenario you own the shares
Well, many of those types of traumas usually have a poor outcome regardless of what we do, unfortunately. A gunshot (GSW) to the head is almost always fatal. Either immediately or shortly after. I have received many patients who come in with a GSW to the head, and even if I put in a breathing tube or give them blood and everything else… they will likely die immediately or go to the icu and die later that night or the next day (when family can come see them first). Yes, I will call my Neurosurgeon, but a large majority of the time these things are non survivable. I’ll often see the CT scan and see the trajectory of the bullet through their brain matter, and many times the fragments are still within the brain/skull. Many of these patients will be completely obtunded, with a midline shift, brain herniation, blown pupils, and etc… it is very rare, almost never… for that patient to ever leave the hospital, unlikely they’d ever even wake up. We would often extubate them to die with dignity once the family arrives to say goodbye. For someone stabbed/shot in the heart… these patients also have very poor outcomes. A great majority of them will die during transport or as soon as they get to me. There are things we can do such as open up the chest and try to stop the bleeding (there are a very different tricks we can try), but ultimately yes they need a cardiothoracic surgeon as soon as possible. However, unless he is already in the building… the patient will pretty much never live long enough to get to the OR. I’m not saying either of these two circumstances have a 100% fatality… but I’d say it’s pretty close. Whenever you read on the news something like “patient went to the hospital in critical condition after being shot in the head/heart” or something like that… just know that almost all of them die later that day or by the next day. The ones who get shot in the head die mostly because they end up brain dead and lose brain stem function (such as being able to breathe). They would only be alive because of the machines we have them on. The ones who get shot in the heart usually die from severe blood loss and loss of perfusion to all of their vital organs and nonrepairable damage. I tried my best to summarize those two situations you asked about so it would hopefully be easy to follow. I hope that answers your question.
Open 👏 up 👏 the 👏 🅿️eekend 👏 thread 👏😮‍💨
Today I have decided to sell everything and go all VOO/SGOV. But I know Monday I will be yelling OPEN THE CASINO I hate myself
The whole open interest chain for that week is loaded
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