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Sun Microsystems was a good company that made good hardware that got destroyed by Oracle. They actually had really good products that we still use today like Java, MySQL, VirtualBox, ZFS. At their height the PS ratio of SUN was like 10 vs AMZN right now is 3.39 and NVDA 37.02. The issue that was Sun Microsystems downfall wasn't Linux (most of their hardware could run Linux I was running CentOS on them back in the day). The issue was Dell, HP, Cisco etc all had strong competition and the server market was only so big back then so the competition ate into their growth and with an inflated PS ratio that stock price ONLY made sense if they had complete market dominance and were going to grow by like 5-10x. NVDA may very well end up as a similar story to SUN as the other big tech giants are releasing their own chips that will directly compete with NVDA. This doesn't mean there is not good money to be made in the AI market just that I would be skeptical about NVDA continuing it's crazy clime and more Bullish on AMZN, META, MSFT and others to get in on that sweet action. Individually NVDA might be overpriced while the rest of the AI boom still has a lot of legs left in it.
Puts on HP for making printing more difficult than it needs to be.
8 years ago when I was testing AMD’s new server chips I asked some colleagues who used to work at Intel what their future was. Years ago when was AMD at $1.80 I said this was the demise of INTC . The best way to short INTC is buy AMD and NVDA. https://np.reddit.com/r/AMD_Stock/comments/9v1n6f/amazon_web_services_aws_pricing_amd_vs_intel/e994dka/ I asked someone who worked at the shit show that was HP and he said Intel makes HP look like a well oiled machine. Think of INTC as the Boeing of Semi, sucking off gov teet is all they are good for. 0 innovation and by far the worst performance/watt. Why do you think they failed mobile socs, gpus, CPUs. The industry is based on speed, efficiency, performance/watt why do you think Apple went to their own M series, AMD NVDA ARM taking share, Amazon using more Graviton, QCOM going to be taking market share also. Literally everyone is taking a few % from Intel and that adds up to a lot. I don’t even want to get into the details of Intel paying OEMs to have us not use AMD. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna30717099 This was in the early 2000s? But they were doing the same thing even in 2016-2019 when we were moving to AMD. I’m still astounded that during the last 15 years the biggest cloud computing boom, AI, semi, 4 major tech rallys lasting years, QE etc my AMD, AMZN, AAPL ASML MSFT NVDA TSMC, QCOM etc all printed some near 100x and INTC stock some how lost money as the biggest semiconductor company.
Hahahahahhahaa My brother in Christ, X86 is dying slowly replaced by ARM. Intel is managed by a bunch of MBA regards that think renaming 14nm into 7nm and promoting "Moore's law is dead" is a valid way of "innovating" and a good marketing strategy. INTC is the AAPL of Microchips: You can only go so far releasing the same product with a different name for 10 years. The only thing keeping this company alive is the deal they have with MSFT to release a "new" Windows every 3 years that forces companies to buy "new" HW for bullshit reasons like TPM. And even that is in jeopardy given how MSFT doesn't give a fuck about Desktop that much anymore. The only reason MSFT still has a desktop division is to pump up companies like Dell, HP and INTC that would completely crash and burn into Earth's core without the bullshit "New Windows every 2 years where we changed the color of the task bar!" release cycle that's been going on for the past 10 years.
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