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Global Med REIT Inc [Gmre/Pa]

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He tried to overturn an election, and stole and hid classified information so he could sell it to americas enemies. He’s a traitor
You're right that I overpaid; I realized that too late. It was almost back to break-even yesterday, and I figured I had enough time before ER for it to climb more, but I guess not. It's thankfully recovered a bit in the hours since open (again who knows why), so I only closed out at a 50% loss but man.
Look at the team/board. Some very connected and professional folks there. If the product works then the cash will flow. It’s not a scam company, this is how gambling is supposed to work for realsy
Bears chill out let them get to 505 (I’m a bear)
SPY was 524 less than a month ago, stop looking at only the daily chart regard.
This day is full of surprises. NVDA's price action starts to make sense. It could go parabolic as long as there was no price pressure downward. Now that there is, every action should be muted until the pressure breaks free. Olives and cheese are a good breakfast for my migraine.
I get God damnit! I get it! You have a bug cock so please for the love of God bulls stop fucking me in the ass with it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)
Same. I knew it was coming and I still didn’t do it, I’m tied up in PYPL waiting to on a 68c 😭
djt received a quick infusion of meth.
spy if you could just dump a lil bit that'd be pretty cool, you've been working real hard this morning ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)
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