Lumber Liquidators was an inside job!


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Hey, your mom didn't raise a quitter. You MUST go all in again and make 5 mil at least
Robinhood has that high yield 5.5% Apr savings account now. It's roughly 2300 a month that you'd generate. Could cover rent and bills for a long time.
This is not trading though, this is just gambling with extra steps, perfect for degenerate autists that dislike the casino thing. They're called options and yes, you can buy them from Europe through IBKR (Interactive Brokers) after passing a short questionaire to tell them you more or less understand what you're doing. With options you're basically betting that the price of a stock will be over or under a certain price by a certain date. By that date you either make a 1000% return, you barely break even, or what's more likely, you lose all your money and can get some karma from this sub. Look option for dummies courses on YouTube if you want to become a regard like the most of us. Wallstreet is always happy to welcome new donors.
That gain is higher than my net worth. Congrats op, send me a rtx 5090 when you get the returns.
Learn the greeks. Delta is how much of the option price changes depending on the change of the underling. 30 delta means the options are closer to be in the money and a movement of the price of the stock in your favor will increase the option price than if it was 20 delta and further out of the money.
One more double or nothing and he could be a millionaire
Dividend stocks? 50k a year, move to Thailand?? Get ladyboy pregnant?? Life goals
And likely a play account where they gave themselves 5k to work with and see what happens. It’s not like Joe-the-investor is making plays like this. No disrespect to Joe.
Can you elaborate on your „strategy“. what are you looking for when you enter a trade.
If you’re planning on buying shares anyway, have you considered selling cash secured puts to collect some premium while you build a position?
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