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You’re right that larger cuts have historically been tied to more severe economic situations, and that’s played out again with the Fed’s 50-basis-point cut yesterday. But let’s take a step back and think about what that really signals. The Fed going for a 50-basis-point cut isn’t just a move to preempt a downturn—it’s an acknowledgment that we’re already facing significant economic headwinds. We’re past the peak of growth, inflation’s starting to cool, and the credit cycle is tightening. A cut like this is the Fed’s way of saying, “We’re in a tough spot, and we need to act decisively.” But here’s the tricky part: while the cut might seem like an aggressive move to stave off a recession, it also risks sending a message that things are worse than they appear. Markets are already on edge with liquidity concerns in the banking sector and a deeply inverted yield curve, and a cut this size can amplify those fears. The Fed had to balance a lot of factors here. On the one hand, a 25-basis-point cut might’ve been seen as too timid, given the risks we’re facing. On the other, a 50-basis-point cut could make people wonder, “What do they know that we don’t?” It’s a delicate balance, and they chose to act boldly, but that doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods. The reality is, recession risks are elevated, and this cut reflects that. The Fed’s trying to get ahead of the curve, but they’re walking a tightrope. And while they’ve made their move, it’s going to be crucial to watch how the markets and the broader economy react in the coming weeks. *Edit:* It’s worth noting that Wall Street ended lower yesterday, likely a “sell the fact” reaction since the market had already priced in the Fed’s rate cut. But we might be seeing some risk-on sentiment returning. Equities in Asia-Pacific rallied today, and futures are pointing to a higher open in both the US and European markets. The euro and the pound initially weakened against the dollar but rebounded as the ECB and BOE were less dovish than the Fed. So, there’s a lot in flux right now—definitely something to keep an eye on.
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