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It happend. My boomer dad just called me a pussy for investing in tech stocks. Says "Look at the Dow son. Never ever bet against America."
Imagine buying puts when Dow Jones boomer index is up 2% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
boomer dow jones outperforming they scammed us with IWM while they scooped up DJ30
We gotta get Dow Jones up!
You still have exponential growth even in the last 30 years. The rate just speeds up. The DOW could hit 100k in the next decade or two if we don't get a large correction. But you're right. Dramatic movements in either direction hit you short term, and this is a betting sub.
Contrary to popular belief corrections is where you make money. Without corrections you’re always buying at all time record highs. The system is rigged but it’s not rigged to take your money. It’s rigged to make you money. And it has & always will make you money as long as you don’t keep thinking you’re smarter than the market. Give me 10% off 20% 30% 40% 50%. If you’re in your 20s 30s or 40s you want those buying opportunities. Those 6-18 month draw downs are when you ratchet up your contributions to whatever plan you have. 30-35 years from now when the Dow is at 300k or more you’ll think back & realize you weren’t some brilliant genius you were just persistent
If I hadn't hedged my calls I'd be a Deadman. That was close to an implosion. The Dow can drop a thousand points in a day easy.
Tesla should be moved over to Dow Jones and removed from Nasdaq. If it was up to me I would delist it altogether as it just creates large downturns for QQQ index. Its a car company with empty promises on self driving robots. I did say I will be grabbing some popcorn during next earnings and roasting some marshmellows on top of tesla earnings fire while fanboys fry to defend this meme st*nk.
Start of the next economic cycle? A 100k dow by 2025!
same clowns that said the Dow would get to 10,000 - now at 40,000+ four years ago, you could buy Tesla at $30, and I did. i bought more in Jan 23 at around $150. who knows, maybe this is the worst stock I have ever help. maybe i was a moron for missing NVDA because I did not believe the CEO. maybe I was idiot for massively buying preferred stocks in March 2020, maybe I'be been an idiot for buying and holding AMZN, GOOG, and Apple. we are all regarded but at least Musk is doing something productive, or trying to.
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