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Intc will go below 15 when its delisted from dow
Also, the Dow has a 6% dividend rate. Flatlining for a decade is actually not that bad.
Of course this is days after the DOW hit record highs.
The Dow hasnt been relevant for many decades now Why dafuq do we care about other countries' indexes? Both Japan and China have their own problems and economic stagnations.
The Nasdaq is down 5.5% this week, on pace for its worst first four days of September since 2001, according to Dow Jones Market Data. The S&P is down 4% this week, its worst first four days of September since 2001, as well. The Dow is down 2.7%, its worst four days of September since 2008.
Puts still on the menu including 0DTE. Dow Jones is just getting started to drop
Dow fyoots flatter den da earf ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
How's the DOW today?
answer to your question about shit coin and meme stock is zero Over assumption is your life tendency. Let me try, how many drinks do you make a day? Shut up and pour my coffee. No where did i say stonk go up. The rate cut will indeed bring out alot of positive sentiment. in 2022 every time rate cut the market pull back. Unitl 2023 when market has acclimate to the new high interest environment then it start to rally. THe initial cut will refresh positive sentiment. In a long run market still going to reconsolidate. Especially more and more ppl lose their job if fed do not do something about high cost of borrowing for large corporations and for individuals home owners. []( The only 2 times cuz of dot com burst and housing market bubble. Both were by no means a result of fed cutting rate
Is spending going up after inflation? I keep seeing people point out that the Dow is up 20%+ over the past four years, which really means it hasn't gone up at all.
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