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And be sure to volunteer on the Rotary Club board. And don't forget about Pam's community bake sale this weekend to help fundraiser for the elementary school's dance recital.
Welcome to the club
LOL, welcome to the club!
Join the club bud. Discovering options ruined me for years. 😂
You read? You pencil-neck. Me hit with club and take ALL coconut! Be wealthy man!
Welcome to the losing money club! I am the Senior Chairman of the board, sitting on staggering losses of 14k. I welcome you with open arms.
The world’s richest 1% starts at less than $1m household net worth. So no, $500k is not 0.5% of their net worth except for a small club of them at the very very very top of the top. Using “the top 1%” is often a bad way to chop up the world’s capital to illustrate wealth transfer. The gap between the bottom of the 1% and the top of the 1% is still so incredibly wide. People read “the 1%” and assume it’s entirely composed of fancy-Dans taking their yacht to their private island, when really it’s just Frank, the loud Dad at your kid’s swim team practice that has a three car garage, and the latest iPhone.
You and I should start a “investing “ club called Inverse Strategies.
You got a little left in ya. 99% of option traders quit before their bug one. 1. Never use more than 10-20% of your account. 2. See profits, take profits. This is a marathon not a sprint. Shit compounds faster than you think. 3. Never talk about fight club.
Came back and used my eyes, see you broke even as uber and air took back gains. I retract my request for $20 and forward you my invitation to the “give it all back club”
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