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My car drives me everywhere I want to go using Elon hype NHTSA actually said "Elon Hype" is why Tesla's 4 cars scored higher for safety than any other cars in their classes' history The dude will never accomplish anything, right??
True. But then again some people genuinely have too much disposable income. Like say they've been making 1 mill every year for the last 8 or 9 yrs alrdy and they have two houses and ten cars already and don't intend to buy more.
Why is market responding to Ford’s so harsh when we all know that higher interest rates will tank car sales especially those heavily relying on big cars which are expensive, its not like people abandoning Tesla in droves? I think it’ll come back eventually, right?
What cars? We margined them for calls. Everyone walks now.
Are you kidding? Short asphalt because people don't walk on fucking roads. That's only for cars, thank you. Long cement or whatever pavements are made of.
i own a 1.2m house, a 500k condo, and 2 cars but barely anything in my trading and investing accounts. Its easy to judge people on their account sizes but you really cant
Everything needs their chips. Amazon is partnered with them, video processing needs them, cars need them, they're by far the most popular graphics card maker, etc. etc. AI is not the only thing using NVDA chips. They are going to be a good bet for a long time.
Not sure where GM is in the EV space since I don’t keep up with it, but once EVs hit a majority of sales GM will start losing money. You need to sell a certain amount of cars to turn a profit and cover SG&A and R$D costs. GM has a fairly good chance of going bankrupt in 10 years depending on how fast EVs replace ICE cars and how fast GM adapts.
Yeah, this sounds not worth billions to me. > Medical Sector: - AI-powered diagnostics could detect diseases at earlier stages with unprecedented accuracy. - Personalized medicine could become the norm, with treatments tailored to individual genetic profiles. - Drug discovery could be accelerated, potentially finding cures for currently incurable diseases. - Robotic surgery assisted by AI could perform operations with superhuman precision. > Industrial Sector: - AI-optimized manufacturing could reduce waste to near-zero levels while maximizing efficiency. - Predictive maintenance could prevent equipment failures before they occur, reducing downtime. - Energy grids could be optimized in real-time, balancing supply and demand perfectly. - Autonomous factories could operate 24/7 without human intervention. > Transportation: - Self-driving vehicles could eliminate traffic accidents and optimize traffic flow. - AI could revolutionize logistics, making supply chains more efficient and resilient. - Flying cars or advanced air taxis could become a reality, changing urban planning. > Agriculture: - Precision farming could maximize crop yields while minimizing resource use. - AI could predict and mitigate the effects of climate change on agriculture. - Vertical farming optimized by AI could produce food in urban environments efficiently. > Education: - Personalized learning algorithms could tailor education to each student’s needs and learning style. - Virtual and augmented reality could provide immersive learning experiences. - AI tutors could provide 24/7 support to students. > Environmental Conservation: - AI could optimize resource use and waste management on a global scale. - Advanced climate models could provide more accurate predictions and solutions for climate change. - AI-driven reforestation drones could accelerate ecosystem restoration. > Space Exploration: - AI could control autonomous space probes, exploring the solar system and beyond. - Advanced simulations could solve complex problems in physics and astronomy. > Financial Sector: - AI could provide personalized financial advice to everyone, democratizing wealth management. - Fraud detection could become nearly perfect, securing financial transactions. > Creative Industries: - AI could assist in creating new forms of art, music, and entertainment. - Virtual worlds could become more immersive and complex, blurring lines with reality. > Scientific Research: - AI could generate and test hypotheses at speeds impossible for human researchers. - Complex simulations could replace some physical experiments, accelerating discovery. The cumulative effect of these advancements could lead to: - A post-scarcity economy where basic needs are easily met for all. - Significant extension of human lifespan and quality of life. - Solutions to global challenges like climate change, hunger, and disease. - New philosophical and ethical questions about the nature of intelligence and consciousness.
True, some of that does matter. But he is the CEO of how many companies?(I think it is 6-8 now) I am glad he focuses on Twitter and allows Tesla to be an industry leader. His business model clearly works cause they are some of the cheapest, most advanced cars on the market with some of the best safety ratings. He is so hands off now though that I don't associate him besides someone funding Tesla to engineer a better car. Like for Tesla they didn't have to make cyber truck the most advanced car on the market, but they did. Design issues aside, I am interested in how it will last and safety ratings Same with space x, he doesn't do anything but ensure the rocket is reusable and progress is going. We are industry leaders in the New space race because he built the company. He is a cunt, but his companies are working towards making the world a better place.
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