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Robinhood has that high yield 5.5% Apr savings account now. It's roughly 2300 a month that you'd generate. Could cover rent and bills for a long time.
brother u can be house poor and can get a 45K loan for 20% APR lmao if ur cool with being slaughtered on interest why the hell not
Long deep in the money calls are always more expensive than buying the stock outright. For example, a long call of NVDA with $100 strike price (current market price is $113) and expiration date 06/18/2026 has a premium of $41 / share today. For 1 contract (100 shares), you will have to pay $41\*100 = $4100 (premium) now when you enter into the contract. Then when you exercise to buy the asset anytime before 06/18/2026, $10,000 (100\*100) more. So you purchased 100 shares of NVDA for $14100 using long call (aka each share for $141). If you buy now, it will be 113 (current market price)\*100 = $11300. One reason to use deep in the money long call contracts is if you don't have the entire capital upfront to buy 100 shares. Let's say if you have $5000 now, a stable income and are invested in the company. So you will pay $4100 now to enter into the contract, then pay $10,000 from future earnings. So, think of paying for 100 shares in 2 installments (one when you open the contract, one when you close) but with an "interest". Of course, you can take a loan from a bank, buy right now for $113/share from the market and it amounts to the same thing as there will be an APR on the loan. But you can't take a large loan as it will affect your credit history. Many times, one may not want an additional loan as one already has other loans. If you have the entire money in your bank to purchase 100 shares, nothing like it.
IWM P/E is like 14. Still has way to go. Rate cut? Zombie shitco surviving in VAR-APR credit revolve line would come out of gulag and roar Position : IWM 260c, Oct/Nov/Dec, 100/100/30 contract each. Built these June/July when IWM was around 200. Also sold 60% of my long term SPY in my 401K, rotated to IWM back in 7/15. Looks like it was SPY local top too. Target : 1st profit taking at 280, 2nd at 300, will leave runner after till expiry or election.
I know a solution. Go get a 450% apr payday loan for about 5k, go to the casino and put it all on 33 if that doesnt work, sell your car, then use that money to go all in on 33 again. No point paying off the payday loan if youre gonna eventually hit big
NO! WRONG! You're smarter than them in the sense that you found the arbitrage. If you're buying Costco gold bars, buying with the BoA CC that gives you 3% cash back online (up to 5.25%), and stacking that with the 2% executive member bonus? Then you're buying gold below spot most of the time and technically just churning for cash/points. If you also found a way to sell the gold bars at near market price and/or are willing to wait a few days/weeks since gold is rising this year then you're also making money on the appreciation on gold price. If you're holding gold long then you're up 15% YTD. DIS/NKE/SBUX/MCD/LVMH/UPS/ChinaIndexes/etcetc all sucking ass this year. It's smart because me and the other mofos buying gold off Costco are also doing that. Some might not sell their gold, others might use 2% cards without limits like the BoA, some keep opening new cards to get the signup bonus + 0%APR since gold is going up anyways to play the long game, etcetcetc. But each are smart because they found the arbitrage. That's why discussion on forums/subreddits about this method is so split. Folks either get it or they don't. You just happen to ALSO be EXTREMELY REGARDED because you sold the gold for cash and don't repeat the cycle or just put it into something like VOO. Instead you're a degen regard who dumped it into NVDA calls at the peak AFTER it's ran up like 10000000%.
It’s WSB that credit card is probably charging 25% APR
> this is more like a correlation != causation case Not even. OP has either been smoking crack or they're full of it. Here is what the [actual data](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%5EGSPC/history/?.neo_opt=0) says: |Date|Jul|Sep| --:|--:|:--| |1988|-0.5%|**4.0%**| |1992|**3.9%**|**0.9%**| |1996|-4.6%|**5.4%**| |2000|-1.6%|-5.3%| |2004|-3.4%|**0.9%**| |2008|-0.7%|-9.4%| |2012|**1.2%**|**2.4%**| |2016|**3.5%**|-0.1%| |2020|**5.3%**|-4.1%| |2024|-0.8%|| It only goes back to 1985, but that's plenty far enough back to completely refute OP's claim. That said, from 1985-present, September has been the worst month on average, by far (this includes all years, not just election years): ||Mean|Median| :--|--:|--:| |Jan|1.1%|1.6%| |Feb|0.3%|0.9%| |Mar|1.0%|1.6%| |Apr|2.1%|0.9%| |May|1.0%|1.2%| |Jun|0.4%|0.2%| |Jul|1.1%|1.4%| |Aug|0.1%|0.2%| |Sep|-0.5%|-1.0%| |Oct|0.1%|1.8%| |Nov|1.2%|2.4%| |Dec|2.4%|1.5%|
My neighboring Ford dealers are still marking up Broncos! I really don't know who is buying these trucks at $60k at 7.5% APR. But as we saw with the report on home prices this week, there always seems to be plenty of people who'll keep buying no matter what the price!
> they had cars sitting available, unsold, on lots Not exactly. It's cars in transit, cars that were recently produced not yet sent to their destination countries, etc. But what's your point? They sold the cars they made, plus extra they had leftover from last quarter. That's somehow a bad thing? > And to clarify, you think lowering the APR on loans to customers gives Tesla more money? How's that work? First off it's not on all models, right now it's only on Model Y for example, and yes it's a smart way to lower the price without taking the hit upfront or lowering the residual value of the fleet. > Wow, your friends and family are considering a Tesla? Amazing! My wife just bought an acorn brooch, that must mean everyone will! This is a really dumb comment. I said that specifically because all my family and friends are conservative. The idea that Liberals are Elon's own market is just pure nonsense. > All you've said that in spite of lowered prices and more favorable financing agreements, Tesla sales continue to decline. They literally just increased QoQ... And again, all of this is noise when they are introducing two new lower cost models. Going from $38k to $28k-$30k is going to be insane for demand. They won't be able to make enough of them. So this entire conversation is going to be moot in 1 year.
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