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Gme goes up for 2 days in a row. This sub flips absolute shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)
It's infuriating (and hilarious) that of all things, DJT is basically the new GME...
2021 broke retail’s brains. It was believing in GME/AMC first, but now people suck off anything mentioning whatever tech fad to pump up stocks. All this for bulls enjoy their ramen diets from $2k+ shitholes because they believe they’ll be eating with Elon one day
The people that still kiss ass about GME when there were literally 100s of stocks in the last 3 years that had similar squeezes as GME Get the fuck over yourselves "Keep buying KODK, Plug, TLRY, HCMC, MINE, TSNP, DJT, AMC, SSBT, Carvana, MARA, MSTR" I could go on and on, Stocks pump and dump, you make money on the trade GME is full of ACTUAL bots, getting people to basically throw their money away into the game stop stock GME has had SEC filings for years that they're selling off stock to pay back bond debts Each pop since the first big short squeeze, Was just them selling off shares The entire short squeeze was more than likely set up by hedge funds, in collaboration with Ryan Cohen The entire business plan is to trap as much retail as possible, and slowly liquidate on them to keep the company afloat
Not really. Your expectations are just fucked because you’re clueless and greedy. This sub chases the myth of ridiculously outside the norm returns on single plays in hopes they can get rich quick. That kind of thing is a deep in the long tail outcome that requires you take on extreme risk… and adjusted for risk you’re pretty much guaranteed to lose in the long term. I know that’s the point of WSB, but since OP brought it up, a slow, methodological, lower risk approach to investing (like what you might find in Intelligent Investor) is pretty much guaranteed to win in the long term. The fact that your wild gambling didn’t make you a billionaire overnight doesn’t mean the market is rigged against you. It just means you’re an i*iot degenerate with expectations totally disconnected from reality. Same issue with the GME/SS m#rons.
Crime. Gme did better than they were projected and has been eating shit daily since.
like the way you lost money in gme? post your loss porn, baggie
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