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Imagine being a parent and have a kid and then kid will be 7 yo will ask: Daddy I see you are stonk investor, tell me wen you bought NVDA, how many millions you made? Daddy portfolio: INTC, Boieng, SNAP and other boomer stonks. NVDA stonk price: $5000 (yes I am from the future) Daddy! We are rich? Daddy.....? https://preview.redd.it/rd0xbbygjeyc1.png?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d86923fa1ac21a3cd0550c42d82df7aabc34cc24
Imagine being a parent and have a kid and then kid will be 7 yo will ask: Daddy I see you are stonk investor, tell me wen you bought NVDA, how many millions you made? Daddy portfolio: INTC, Boieng, SNAP and other boomer stonks. NVDA stonk price: $5000 (yes I am from the future) Daddy! We are rich? Daddy.....? https://preview.redd.it/x9v6jsg7jeyc1.png?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a12c4bab029a6425275e1a3af41366da367232
I don’t, but generally any post mentioning said stock will be snap taken down and the user will often be banned Yet we can talk about any other stock?
SNAP 6/19 $12p - enjoy lol
Okay great day - SNAP nosedive Monday morning would be awesome
Snip Snap Snip Snap
finna snap if MSFT doesnt stop being a flat piece of shit
Gross Margin is 85%. Reddit had 800m revenue last year. that didnt include the 200m deal with google, which was signed this year Snap has 4bn revenue a year and loses a staggering 1bn. Reddit is already on the verge of profitability. its ratios and growth trajectory are multiple times better. it also has a niche. Snap is just one of many Selfie companies. it isnt without irony that the guys who discuss YOLO on Reddit might miss the most obvious one right in front of them......
nothing is down here. Reddit grew revenue 65% annually over the last 9 years. that was missed by almost every single analyst so far. Gross margin is 85%. it could already have been profitable if not for R&D investment. in fact, Reddit was profitable in Q4 last year. also advertising is not all they have ! just sold data for 200m to google. Reddit's price seems off to me by a sustantial margin. Snap and Pin are way worse, yet market cap is 3x Reddit.
The Gov is us the people. Does not print money, it taxes $4.5T and borrows 2.5T more (rough numbers) by issuing debt (deficit spending more than we make off taxes. Issue a bond, you take money from people and give it back + interest. The process creates nothing new, since we will borrow again in the future to pay that interest in the future. No new money created. The Fed Reserve = banks. They print money by lending it out...to the Gov mostly in the form of buying Treasury bonds, the people are borrowing from this bank. The process of lending it out, creates new money. Yes physically the Treasury does the paper/coin making process but no it doesn't create the digits. You might say oh, the Fed is run by the Gov really, and works with the G man...no, no they appoint a chairman, 99% of the time from the board of chairmen who are all brought in from large banks. Very little control from the President actually happens, because Politicians cannot be trusted to do this stuff (and you should agree cuz 1929 was mostly caused by Gov interference). The Fed Reserve (bankers) bought down Mortgage ETF's to get you 'cheap' housing in 2020/2021. The Fed gave out 0.25% loans to any corp that wanted it. The Fed created this money out of thin air...~$14T new money over 2yrs. No vote was made, no politician instructed them to do this. It accounted for 25-30% new money injected/printed. A further ~$7T came from the Gov in the form of PPP loans, Stimmy checks, and SNAP/Unemployment increases. Grand total 40% new money on the street, or 40% inflation instead of 3% each year (+33% if you want to be pedantic about expecting 3% inflation) OK so the Gov printed money you might say - see $7T...well no because guess who bought the vast majority of those new bonds? Yes the Federal Reserve did...sure some other countries bought some, but after 2008, it's been dropping every year as the other central banks trust us less and less, and they see us flirt with default over and over again with the debt ceiling debates (essentially we are fucking around with paying back foreign countries money we owe back, no wonder they stop investing in our bonds). Ok so can we go bankrupt, sure - stop paying on T bills. Realistically no we will not do that it would destroy the world economy, our own and just everything would turn to shit. No we print the money from the Fed, devalue our currency, spend into inflation because we have to. I'm a dumbass who didn't graduate from college, I work in IT, I shouldn't know better than an economic advisor who supposedly is Biden's guy. Is this fake?!? And no I didn't learn this in school, I learned this all from the internet...like everyone else here.
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