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Saudi Aramco, Alibaba, Samsung, Toyota, TSM, etc Or just buy an entire business like LVMH
Fk TSM, I missed VRT & ALAB bc of this SHIT!
Subjectively, yes, it is TSM and ASML.
Nah man. After tsm, Samsung is second (South Korea), and 3rd is your worst enemy intel. Unless you’re not talking sales and you mean your subjective opinion.
TSM should be the most valuable company in the world considering its importance in the world economy.
We’re all scared of TSM now, so I have a feeling we’ll all regret not grabbing calls come 5/10. Stock seems to move more during their monthly revenue reports.
TSM and TSLA did the exact same thing just in different directions. Both reported +9% and -9% YoY profit respectively and then did the irrational thing for 1-2 days before going in the right direction
Unless you're TSM ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
Got in late and heavy on TSM puts, sold snap calls early, held INTC 4/26 calls into close 4/25, but was able to gamble 0dte meta and spy and BUD puts and calls a couple times for solid but small 20% returns on them. Huge into SoFi puts over the weekend so I think I will print Monday. Or not. Definitely financial advice
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