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Probably trying to get out of my $AMZN calls before a correction and you?
Amzn Puts tmrw might be the move, up 3% in the last week it’s due for a red day
I don't see that happening for a while. More self-service ordering is the near-term trend. AMZN is the play for robotics. IMO Not because of their robot as something to sell, but because of warehouse and potentially shipping. Self driving trucks with some robot dogs don't seem far off to me.
Thanks for your submission! To keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! So we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts: * YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened. * Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. We want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot). This is what a great post looks like: [$17.2K Gain on AMZN]( - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post! Here are examples of what could get your post removed: * [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling]( - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**. Here are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better: * [$75,000 DDOG Loss.]( - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions. * [$1.1MM Loss, No details]( - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
Thanks for your submission! To keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! So we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts: * YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened. * Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. We want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot). This is what a great post looks like: [$17.2K Gain on AMZN]( - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post! Here are examples of what could get your post removed: * [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling]( - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**. Here are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better: * [$75,000 DDOG Loss.]( - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions. * [$1.1MM Loss, No details]( - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail]( and we'll give you some pointers!
Imagine huffing so much glue one believes this is because he bought Twitter/went to the Right/uses Ketamine- EVs had insane sales pull forward due to government (worldwide) tax credits, new shiny device enthusiasm, and low interest rates. All EV makers are going through the same thing - Hell, almost every other US EV maker is on the cusp of bankruptcy. LUCID is treading water thanks to Saudi Arabia tossing billions at them and RIVN has AMZN as a backer. And before anyone starts bleating about the Chinese - Their cars are dirty cheap because of labor costs and insane government subsidies trying to prop up employment/their economy. Even the EU knows they are dumping product and are looking to curtail it through tariffs. [EU would need 50% tariffs to curb imports of Chinese electric cars (]( This is a normal business cycle. And no, I don't own and have never owned TSLA - Always seemed overvalued to me.
AMZN should just buy AMC then show all MGM movies free to Prime members and making money of pre roll ads and concession stands. Non prime pay premium. They can also use some of the space at each AMC theater for metro distribution centers kind of like a store front for the hottest selling items on the Amazon site.
AMZN going into privatized law enforcement sector, definitely priced in
AMZN going to keep on pumping. $200 here we come.
Rotating AMZN 180c 6/21 profits into GOOGL 170c 6/21.
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