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I believe they like to be called escorts on the cocaine side of the tracks. Hookers dont have the dress code for the clubs up here ( or the teeth)
Epic trade. Wonder if it would make sense to buy something like 7/19 10C for 0.40. Would give the trade more time... but of course OTM risk is there. I think a $2 move in the stock takes the July 10C to 1.00 (from 0.40), assuming a delta of ~0.30 for the 10Cs (not considering gamma, so likely higher than 1.00 honestly).
I was invested in them for three years. While the market LEAPED, that shit traded sideways. Have fun 👍
I had sex with my 5th grade teacher last night #Certified freak 7 days a week
But what you Americans don't understand is that you have nothing to compare to. To get out of my country I had to fight in 3 wars, climb 4 mountains, slay 5 giants and pay a tribe of Coyotes 100 billion Zanzabien dollars just to get smuggled into job here in the United States at wendys My pay here at Wendy's is 1.2 Trillion Zanzabien dollars every 4 months. I'm not afraid of inflammation! I'm not afraid of RUNNAWAY costs because I eat for free at my home corporation! I take shit on premise and watch TV on the break room while investing 100 billion Zanzabien into SPY every 4 weeks
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I know, I'm more referring to the puts he has
2 ways to profit. I love SOFI
There is a reason most consumers don't care about cpu speeds, ram and other yard sticks. When it comes to the apple phones, the reliability, user experience is unmatched. I had 1 app hang on my iPhone (zuckerbergs app) in the 4 years I have owned my iPhone. Before that on Android, it was a reoccurring thing, have to force close apps all the time. That's because Apple has its own OS, and limited phone models they need to optimize for, so developers can make apps that are resilient, while Android has thousands of phones, at different updates, by different manufacturers at different spec prices- which creates garbage apps. This extends to their laptops and desktops. There is a reason they are leading in so many categories.
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