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Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
I am trying here to find some logic from the data I see today and from what we talk yesterday.... What think about the data released today?
Some people choose to lose money on Taco Bell, others on Tesla puts, to each their own? Once you get chicken or steak on a menu item prices go way up. But I also get TB like 4x a year and normally go to get good food. TB is about nostalgia or hangovers... Or maybe I am just nostalgic when I am hungover?
bought SPY puts at open am i safe
I am erect and ready to lose money!
I am your wife’s boyfriend. I can confirm to you that we already know, it’s okay
Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*
How would you help Palestine or raise awareness. Do you care? I mean it would not be super strange if you didnt. I am myself struggling with that m. Although i wouldn't take pride in that or shit on those that do care and try to think of ways to do something, anything. Im not that big of a POS
Sold mine off when the pump was dying but I'm hoping to buy back in with some longer calls because from what I've researched, the company looks solid. I am almost positive there will be another pump when they ship their first supply. They have earnings coming up too but idk about that. They might miss big, from what I've read they spent a lot of cash to get their drug on the market but it'll hopefully pay off in Q2 and Q3. Their cancer drug, if it is all that they say it is, is really a big breakthrough for bladder cancer patients. And they're also working on drugs for other types of cancer as well. I really do see this company growing in the coming years so it might be a long hold. But if you're looking for a quick buck, I see some more pumps in the future. If DJT can stay pumping, I see no reason for an actual company like IBRX to drop back down to $2-5.
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