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Full porting CVNA shares at $3 is way more impressive than any of these options gains
So calls on CVNA?
> what would be the possible moonshot scenarios that would fuck you? look at his positions He spent $2000 on 35 DTE $40p that are 70% OTM he spent $3000 on 45DTE $80ps (not bad) he spent $1700 on 94DTE $30ps LOL I am not advocating for CVNA .. I think it should be a $15 stonk But looking at ANF, all I can say is that unless the company comes out with news and falters, I would expect EOQ accumulation as it had a solid (and fake) ER. No one in their right mind believes they pull $6500 per car but how does that phrase go? you can either be right or make money
CVNA has literally everything falling apart and they are just begging people to not look behind the curtain
CVNA has two of four revolving debt facilities (500m + 500m) supporting their inventory purchasing expiring on May 31 and Sept 18. They'll only have 2 others totalling 1B remaining, not enough to carry enough inventory to generate comparable sequential q/q sales, so they will have to renegotiate new deals. Might be difficult in this rate environment. CVNA 100p 09/20
I can see a cvna esque thing with earnings but
CVNA published a $49M net income for the last earnings report. However, they included roughly $75M gain in the fair value of level 3 warrants to acquire Root common stock. In other words -- the value of their financial instruments are going up due to IV growth valuing their warrants. So like you said -- "profit" doesn't mean cash.
You're 100% right. CVNA is going to shit the bed eventually. It's just predicting when.
The reason I have made a fortune on cvna and this guy is asking this is because just Google the list of richest arizonans and wealthiest resident of the state is the ceos dad. There was your backstop angel investor all along. I can't believe people never did the math.
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