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My only rebuttal was that TSM slightly beat but gave kinda bad/lukewarm guidance... and then NVDA hit up with a -10% Friday loss LOL.
Buy high, sell low on TSM - WaRren bUffett
Warrens getting old he sold tsm and byd too and they r still decent buys he sold gm too . He cares about fixed income not growth and having cash in hand . In 10 years aapl will be still be around trading at a decent value pairing a decent dividident . Buy aapl hold it but make sure it’s a small part of a portfolio
NVDA could beat and have great guidance, but it will still tank cause fuck your calls. TSM sends their regards
Intel isnt having competition with AMD and Nvidia anymore. They are going after Tsm and Samsung with the Fabs. Time will come Intc will be a good buy.
bullish. stocks he dumped usually go rocket..look at TSM, BYD..
Really? The US gov’t won’t allow TSM to produce the most advanced chips because they’re a Taïwan based company? Even in their US plants?
yea TSM will still get the lion's share of consumer chips, though one thing to watch is that they have stated they will have to charge customers more when using their American plant, so that also will be an opportunity for Intel to undercut them.
Intel is positioned for a near monopoly on the production of advanced chips in America, as TSM and Samsung will not be allowed to produce the most important chips, even in their American plants. Intel is not really competing with nvidia, though if they can get some additional revenue and rep from their GPU line, which is becoming very solid and will grow heavily in 2025, it’s all the better. Intel is three things into the future, 1. the only fab that will be allowed to produce the most advanced chips, that can be judged to be vital to national security, and 2. like now, dominant in the PC chip market, but now based on integrated AI pcs, and then 3. leveraging their relationships from their legacy biz relationships and future fab relationships and monopoly to grow their business services and data center chip side, while offering cost competitiveness in all sectors. While all the broke 24 year olds laugh at INTC, while bagholding the cool stocks (now meme?): NVDA, TSM or AMD until they wishfully hit $1200, $200 or $300, it would be best to go against the crowd and build a position in the company prob a year or so away from a massive inflection point, as they currently stand significantly below all their competitors’ values, while still generating a current $55 billion a year in revenue, and stand to serve a truly vital role in the future, propped up by government allowed monopoly.
Bravo. I think you need to add a CHIPS ACT water slide with TSM and Samsung going down the slide together.
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