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Thoughts on smci?
This will be a regarded analogy so don’t start splitting hairs with me but to give some high level perspective on how I see that — if there was a particular iPhone leather case that had been a best seller for years (third party), but then all of a sudden its sales fell for this year. Does that necessarily mean that iPhone sales are in general down, or is it just that Apple announced new leather cases that’re just better for their stuff? Nvidia is focusing on becoming a training (and eventually inference) powerhouse. From what my regarded self could gather watching the GTC a couple times was that the new hardware makes a lot of shit now be in house, so demand for companies like SMCI that do bespoke solutions may have stalled a bit because of that. Disclaimer - may very well be ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630) but that’s why you get leaps and not weeklies
Genuine question - IF SMCI tanked because revenue growth was not as dramatic as last quarter, doesn't that mean NVDA sales will also not be as great? I know the sales and profits will still be amazing. But isn't the stock price based on insane exponential growth? If it keeps growing according to the rate everyone expects, this will be a $5 trillion company in 2 years?
How is this week gonna be for smci Im tired bro
Watching for nvda smci
Someone said AI!!! Nvidia just shot up 8% and SMCI another $100
I'm still confused how SMCI runs up 1000% because of NVDA sales, but they just reported flatish revenue growth, and no one thinks that will affect NVDA? Doesn't that mean NVDA sales growth will not be as high as expected - still good, but not necessarily growing at a crazy rate?
Might work. Inverse the SMCI earnings.
Waiting on SMCI to stop fooking around.
I know NVDA is the greatest thing since the Gutenberg press, but doesn't SMCI lack of sales spikes mean that NVDA might not have the same revenue growth as previous quarters?
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