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I firmly believe TLRY will be successful… pot as just pot won’t because the street dealers will always be able to do it cheaper but TLRY with its drinks/medical/foods will carry it to the moon ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)
I understand why people don't name their kid Barney or Adolph but why not Cleopatra? What'd she do to banish her name to the land of wind and dirt? 
I don’t use Robinhood, but does info that mean that you’re using 100% margin? Do you have stop losses set?
People with poor financial planning do. Which is apparently for their own good because they wouldn't have allocated that money better anyways.
`My friends just asked me if I want to go the casino tonight. Little do they know, I’ve been at the casino all week.`
Doesn’t claiming it was at 140% in 2021 already do that?
How do you know forsure? Are your from the future?
No bro, you just don’t grasp how massive this whole thing is. They cant close, they are trapped. If they close they send the price to unimaginable highs. Their real short position must be at this point, Idk, billions and billions of shares, multiple times the whole float. All they can do is roll and keep shorting it, roll their swaps, roll their contracts, and pray that the market stay the fuck away from the stock. If the market piles in like 2021 and we get the same or even higher volume, the exact same thing that happened will happen again, stock will go from $20 to triple digits in 2-3 weeks and they short the top again and bleed the stock for another 3 years until it finds support like it did at $10. But for that to happen, like I said, volume is needed. As long as there is no volume, they can easily control the price for as long as they want, they will never close their shorts, they simply can’t.
Oh please do remind me of how you morons didn't believed that RC wasn't selling right after filling for that 8k and that once the full forms of his sale were available, the price of that shitshow of a company didn't went from above $20 all the way down to $5, on the same day. Do try that, maybe you can even try to gaslight me into believing that I didn't lose 3k on that day because of that rugpull.  Go on, I need a good laugh before going to bed. >Stay salty Better being salty than being fucking deluded that one single share of your shitty company is going to be worth over 7 digits.
Do you have a better figure to use that doesn't lead us down a rabbit hole of conspiracies?
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