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But spy never ranked. Your value rapidly changed but spy didn’t. The sooner you grasp this the sooner you’ll stop losing money on 0dtes.
I’d say if TSLA tanks today, bigly, then it’s red for the rest of the week and SPY will touch 490s again. TSLA was king bull at one point before NVDA, it’d be pronounced dead with a bad report and a lot of other big stocks would follow
SPY would be 315 still if it werent for the VIX and bear gang. theyre true american heros. sacrificing themselves for everyone else.
Sold my spy calls for a profits before lunch expecting a pull back to give bers hope and chance to buy more…. Oh well, guess bers just getting fuk all day today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
SPY calls TSLA shorts
Someone ELI5 how SPY volume is 50% of average and this pump is good. Where’s the other 50%? What happens when they show back up with their piles of shares?
SPY is done with 400s forever It's history
what news lifted SPY up big today?
Spy 505p 0dte thank me later ;)
If SPY doesn’t break 505.60 I’m reversing and picking up PUTS, the amount of covered calls and puts sitting at 505 for the day are a done deal…. No way they let this move anywhere today …..
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