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Medical Properties Trust

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Have calls on BB, SPY, MPW, NVX, WMT, ET, SNAP that expire on Friday. Do we think any of these will have last minute spike?
What do you think about MPW? Short squeeze?
I've been long on MPW for a while... currently way in the red but buying more whenever I can, and loving the fat dividend checks I have been getting. It seems like some of the bears and shorties have been trying to smear the company for a while but MPW is holding strong and the underlying fundamentals are fantastic.
Roaring Kitty needs to give some roary love to [**MPW.**](
MPW is poised for an Epic short squeeze. 37% short while paying a >10% divy.
Put it this way, there is 78% ownership of MPW by Institutions who have not sold and most likely will not sell. There is about 222 million shares sold short since April 15th, a new update due out today. Even if the shorts wanted to cover there is no where near the shares available and a lot of the longs are holding for the safe dividend that if you check back in 2009 was increased quite rapidly when they had the same problem. I think the shorts are covering during after hours but they start shorting 11am every morning until end of day.
I liquidated all of my non performing stocks last week and bought more MPW and ABR. The run-up for both stocks was expected considering the percentage shorted, but happy to see it sooner rather than later. I feel ABR will be shorted tomorrow on ex-dividend and a chance to buy more once they bring down the price. The same shorts (Viceroy and HedgeEye) are shorting both stocks and are do predictable they must be horrible at poker.
I mean, there is always a risk. But the case for the upside is way way stronger. The main reasons prices are so low are that 1) Viceroy published several claims that Medical Properties Trust was engaged in fraud, and 2) their biggest tenant has filed for bankruptcy. Shorts seized those pieces of bad news and drove the price down from $22 all the way to $3 at the lowest. First, no fraud has ever been shown, and in fact MPW has continued to publish audited financials with full transparency. MPW opened a law suit against Viceroy in March 2023 and all discovery so far proves MPW is fully compliant and on the up and up. [Medical Properties Trust Files Lawsuit Against Short-Seller Viceroy]( Secondly, in the last earnings report MPW showed that they can cover the dividend and then some with rents collected even without Steward rents (Steward is their biggest renter). And they have a reasonable path to recover a significant amount from Steward through the sale of their hospitals. At this point anyone holding a short position is at a pretty significant risk of losing their shorts. They are paying a high interest rate, not to mention a dividend every quarter. Meanwhile longs are getting paid a dividend AND sitting on a stock that could go 2x, 3x, or even 4x from here. And when the shorts are forced to cover there is a good chance for a big ol’ spike. You other longs out there… anything I forgot?
This is what most stocks looked like in 2020 and why it was a free money extravaganza.  It's a rare get in a normal and up market.  I miss when every stock was half price with a 10+% dividend. But I expect MPW to play out like 2020. 😀
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