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>Still not scalable. Based on what? >On one hand the car needs to download a shitton of data before every drive. They are currently driving just fine. What are you talking about? >On the other hand, any change to infrastructure like roadwork trips this system. Obviously. The cars can call for help and rerouted.
Gaming ai and they were starting to be used in everything, cars even. But my dumbass sold before the run up
Gamers bought their graphics cards so I bought their stocks. Edit to elaborate my overall thinking: I saw the world move from people not wanting a computer in their home, cars, things in general to completely taking over their lives. Gamers bought their cards but I knew full well a company worth their salt will utilize their abilities in whatever market they see they can make a profit in. Nvidia being the go to for their quality and abilities I figured with the world moving more and more tech based that the company would likely at least do well in that area (gaming and niche markets), but I can genuinely say, I didn’t expect them to do this well. How I found them: I got into casually playing games through coworkers talking about them. I bought the Xbox 360 and soon after the Xbox one when it released. Didn’t like the idea I was around $1,000 in total between the 2 and accessories and thought about long term always having to spend more to obtain the same result. Functional console that can run the new games. Coworker mentioned I could build a PC and just make upgrades to it as times changed instead of buying a new system. We talked about parts etc and when it came to graphics cards he basically stated nvidia is the only way to go (respectfully I understand there are competitors especially nowadays) so I thought, well if there’s a single major company everyone uses it must be good, and it must be worth it. This is a huge and growing industry… *buys shares bi-weekly* Still yet to build a PC… idk. Maybe I’ll take some profits and do that as a commemorative, but then I’m just losing future profits…
Tesla will NEVER HAVE lvl3 FSD This is because no one will insure Tesla for level 3 because the wise and knowledgeable Elon removed LiDAR and Sonar from his cars in favor of vision only No insurer will ever insure Tesla for lvl 3 with vision only sensors. None, zero, nada, never, nope.
No, it has a popup saying it doesn’t when you sign up Just like automatic in gas cars doesn’t mean it drives itself
Waymo can do robotaxis now. They're in select cities (very few) but have no driver and charge for rides. Tesla has zero cars even in testing on public roads without a driver.
They're in a crazy dilemma now. Their lawyers admitted actual self driving cars need lidar. So they either keep lying and saying self driving will be released on existing hardware. Just delay the release indefinitely. Or they admit they need to create a new car, publicly admitting they lied to existing customers. Which opens them up to even more lawsuits. Elon will probably try to have it both ways.
Lidar isn't fundamentally necessary, but it's certainly the shortest path to success at the moment. Lidar is useful if you're trying to very accurately register your position in a mapped out area. This is how the more successful self driving cars operate, but it's not really a scalable solution. I think Elon got a little obsessed with trying to approach driving the way humans do, which is proving to be harder.  Fun trivia: at driving distances humans get little to no depth information from binocular vision. It's primarily relative motion that tells your brain how far away things are.
I’m not up to date on FSD cars, but I think I’ve seen news on other brands doing robotaxis and other driverless tech. Is Tesla just behind now, or has no one really figured it out yet to get permission from regulators?
I mean he said his cars will appreciate due to his promises coming true, then he lowered the price of his cars and accelerated depreciation. Its getting pretty clear that his company claims have more to do with stock price than giving consumers a glimpse into whats happening
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