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About Bank of Hawaii Corp. - 4.375% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser A 1/40th Int

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The difference is the CEO of HIMS didnt call a thai rescue coordinator a pedrophile for not allowing him to send his dogshit submarine to rescue that one kids soccer team from a cave. Puts on HIMS.
You don’t really need pills tho to lose your hair. Can’t be a very big market for hair loss pills.
There's pills for that Warren, and they take less than a year to work.
I don't know, but I'm sure it involved making a lot of money.
Lose the rest of it and call it a day
You still have buying power, games not over until you are in debt or you win. I would double down on a long leverage contract for a 100x return then you can come back and gloat
Why do you think Pat isn't the guy? He has done everything right. Think of it this way. When Pat started, Intel was behind several generations of process node. Now, the Granite Rapids server products is in production volume at Intel3. The design teams have been working with older nodes for years. Now the playing field is leveled. Intel will be first to 18A, and then they likely go back to the lead on every metric. It is very naive to think that this will not happen. You missed the turn around story. Building a new fab takes years.
most probably a huge scam brewing in the back room . one journalist will expose this after 20 years .
> but eventually you have to have a product that sells and make money. Apple sells a lot of shit, in high volume with high margin. Its just that the stock price is incongruent to the growth.
What you should do is focus on making posts after you actually made a bet. $2k?!?! Fuck outta here I have days where I am up or down 10k
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